Forum Discussion

Davy's avatar
3 years ago

Why is 1S not formating pink (which is returned by u8#formula) ?


I have a u8#memberformula that I am trying to use for the first time - to format the background color of a cell.

I know that setting 

BackgroundColor = pink

will cause the cell to turn pink.

BackgroundColor = u8#memberfomula

my u8#memberformula has only one line:

Return "pink" 

For unknown reason, 1S is not formating my cells pink ??
(I assume the text "pink" is returned by u8#formula) 
I know my formula is executed by 1S because I put a debug statement in there and it is showing in Error Log that my formula is executed .


4 Replies

  • I tried using BackgroundColor =GetDataCell(u8#memberformula)

    Or should I not use member formula, but use a finance business rule instead and pass this in Cell Format:

     BackgroundColor =GetDataCell("BR#[BRtoReturnPink" )


  • Davy,

    I don't think you can use a member name or GetDatacell to return the value "pink". What I would do is use a dashboard parameter example: BackgroundColor = |!GetBackgrounColor!| and then set the color name within the literal parameter. If the color changes based on data value, you can call an XFBR rule within the dashboard parameter, have the rule analyze the value for current cell POV and return the appropriate color code. I haven't tried the latter so not 100% sure it works but I do think it's possible.