Drill Back to SAP ByDesign returns active month in SAP but WF Year from OneStream ?
Hi all,
I have a 'working' DrillBack script which connects happily to my SAP ByDesign system. However, I want to extend it's flexibility and get it to DrillBack to the active WF year and period which is not necessarily the current WF. However, regardless of me even hard coding a start and end date rather than receiving the WF settings, it will always take the year element from my BR script but the currently active accounting period in SAP ByDesign as the end month.
Is it a OneStream issue or a SAP ByDesign issue that I am not understanding whereby it will ignore my web-request parameter and just go with the active period ?
Example 1 of the WF time
Dim wRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://my999999.sapbydesign.com/sap/byd/odata/FINGENERALLEDGER_analytics.svc/RPFINGLAU02_Q0001QueryResults?$select=CPOSTING_DATE,CCOMPANY_UUID,CGLACCT,TGLACCT,CFISCPER,CACC_DOC_UUID,TACCDOCTYPE,CNOTE_IT,TOEDREF_OBJ_TC,FCDEBIT_CURRCOMP,FCCREDIT_CURRCOMP&$filter=PARA_COMPANY%20eq%20%27" & companyCode & "%27%20and%20PARA_SETOFBKS%20eq%20%271000%27%20and%20PARA_GLACCT%20eq%20%27" & corpAccts & "%27%20and%20(%20PARA_FISCYEARPER%20ge%20" & "1" & wfYear.ToString & "%20and%20PARA_FISCYEARPER%20le%20" & fiscPer & "%20)&orderby=CPOSTINGDATE")
Example 2 : Hard coded start and end months ( ie Month 1 to 9 of 2020 )
Dim wRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://my999999.sapbydesign.com/sap/byd/odata/FINGENERALLEDGER_analytics.svc/RPFINGLAU02_Q0001QueryResults?$select=CPOSTING_DATE,CCOMPANY_UUID,CGLACCT,TGLACCT,CFISCPER,CACC_DOC_UUID,TACCDOCTYPE,CNOTE_IT,TOEDREF_OBJ_TC,FCDEBIT_CURRCOMP,FCCREDIT_CURRCOMP&$filter=PARA_COMPANY%20eq%20%27" & companyCode & "%27%20and%20PARA_SETOFBKS%20eq%20%271000%27%20and%20PARA_GLACCT%20eq%20%27" & corpAccts & "%27%20and%20(%20PARA_FISCYEARPER%20ge%20" & "12020" & "%20and%20PARA_FISCYEARPER%20le%20" & "92020" & "%20)&orderby=CPOSTINGDATE")
Can anyone explain where I am going wrong ? Thanks in advance.