Forum Discussion

OSAdmin's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

E-mail Notification when a Confirmation Rule Fails?

Originally posted by Rob Dessureault


Can a specific set of users (corporate users) be notified by e-mail if a "specific" confirmation rule fails at any of the base level workflows?

  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Andy Moore

    you could use the DataQualityEventHandler example from Golftsream as a starting point. It is setup to send emails when a wf profile is certified. Certify Instance has all the same functions for Confirmation so you'd want to update it to say "Dim ConfirmInstance as ConfirmInstanceInfo" etc and then the function you want to go after a specific rule is ConfirmInstanceInfo.ConfirmRuleInfo.Equals("your rule name")