5 months agoNew Contributor II
Executing a data management sequence that we chose from a combo box in a dashboard
Hi Everyone, I am actually trying to make a dashboard that let users execute different sequences from data management without accessing the Application tab so i am using a dashboard with a combo b...
- 5 months ago
Hi Rayan: a few pointers for you:
1) "The problem is that i don't know how to send to the button the sequence"
- In the Button Settings, under Action > Server Task, you will set:
- Selection Changed Server Task: Execute Data Management Sequence
- Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: the generic format is {YourDataMgmtSequenceName}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}
2) "I already linked a parameter containing the list of steps to populate the combo box but i don't know how to send the selected step to the button to run it."
- Replace the generic server task arguments with your parameter's value
- Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: now becomes {|!YourParameterThatControlsTheDMSequence!|}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}
3) "how to make so that the button can execute any sequence i chose without preparing the parameters in advance like we do in the data management tab where we run then choose parameters we need."
- This is the harder part. OneStream cannot read your mind so you'll need to tell it what parameters it should be using in the DM step.
- This means the DM step needs to have parameters in use.
- And you need parameters on your dashboard that can be passed to the DM job
- Focusing in on the last part of the Selection Changed Server Task, you'll need to have a way to set these:
- {DMParameter1=[|!DashboardParameter1!|], DMParameter2=[|!DashboardParameter2!|]}
Hope that's enough to get your moving in the right direction. Cheers, -db