Forum Discussion

GParreiras's avatar
New Contributor III
11 months ago

Post journal after certify workflow.

Hi team,

Is there a way, perhaps using channels, to input a journal entry after certifying a workflow?

1 - This workflow is designed to import data, perform data checks after processing, etc. There is one workflow like this for each entity. USA is an entity assigned to this workflow. If I remove it from the workflow entity assignment, the journal posting will work, but i want to keep it there if possible for now.


2 - Then, users can create journals to post adjustments for any entity. However, attempting to post an adjustment for the USA entity will fail due to its certification status. An error message will appear: "Data validation error. The parent Workflow Profile 'USA' is certified."







  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    1. If you are certifying at the Import Level then the Journal should work. You are trying to certify the USA which has all 3 channels under.

    2. Attach the Certify at import level. It should work.

    • GParreiras's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Krishna, Thanks.

      So basically, in this case there is no way to allow users to post journals while USA is certified at the same time, correct? I would need to change the structure...

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        There are a few ways to address this use case, which is not uncommon; I believe they are discussed in the Foundation Handbook. They will require changes to the Workflow setup though, inevitably.

  • Agree with Krishna - when you have a certify step at the top time node, it locks all origin members so even if "corporate" wanted to post a journal after that has been certified at the top time node, you will not be able to.

    If you move your certify steps to Import, Form, Adj levels, you can then accomplish this.  if you need to have adj also certified by the site, then you may need to explore workflow channels on top of certify at each step.