Forum Discussion

dbug's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

REST API Endpoint to extract data from cube view

Is there a way to extract data from a cubeview with the OneStream REST API?  I've tried using the

"DataProvider/GetAdoDataSetForCubeViewCommand?api-version=5.2.0" endpoint from the doc via Python - however
when I try to print the result from the response, it doesn't contain data, only metadata ( i.e 'Title', 'HeaderLeftLabel1' etc as seen in the screenshot below)


Im trying to see the numerical values within the cells. Can this be done ?
  • Yes. You can use that copy paste in the body of the API call.

        "BaseWebServerUrl": "",
        "ApplicationName": "GolfStream_v37",
        "CubeViewName": "Gross Margin",
        "DataTablePerCubeViewRow": false,
        "ResultDataTableName": "ResultDataTableNames",
        "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": "",
        "CubeViewDataTableOptions": {
    				"IncludeTitle": false,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludePovCube" : true,
    				"IncludePovEntity" : true,
    				"IncludePovParent" : true,
    				"IncludePovCons" : true,
    				"IncludePovScenario" : true,
    				"IncludePovTime" : true,
    				"IncludePovView" : true,
    				"IncludePovAccount" : true,
    				"IncludePovFlow" : true,
    				"IncludePovOrigin" : true,
    				"IncludePovIC" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD1" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD2" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD3" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD4" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD5" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD6" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD7" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD8" : true,
    				"IncludeMemberDetails": true,
    				"IncludeRowNavigationLink" : true,
    				"IncludeHasDataStatus" : true,
    				"IncludeAnnotation" : true,
    				"IncludeAssumptions" : true,
    				"IncludeAuditComment" : true,
    				"IncludeFootnote" : true,
    				"IncludeVarianceExplanation" : true
  • What I meant is: check the definition of your cubeview for things like the following:

    That |WFYear| variable cannot be resolved automatically when executing the view from REST. So you have to pass the required value with the property "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": [comma separated list of key value pairs as substitution variables with the following format: "VariableName1=[VariableValue1],VariableName2= [VariableValue2],..."]

    In addition, make sure that all dimensions have a member specified either in the main POV or in row/columns, because via REST there won't be a UserPOV to fallback on.

  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Yes. You can use that copy paste in the body of the API call.

        "BaseWebServerUrl": "",
        "ApplicationName": "GolfStream_v37",
        "CubeViewName": "Gross Margin",
        "DataTablePerCubeViewRow": false,
        "ResultDataTableName": "ResultDataTableNames",
        "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": "",
        "CubeViewDataTableOptions": {
    				"IncludeTitle": false,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludePovCube" : true,
    				"IncludePovEntity" : true,
    				"IncludePovParent" : true,
    				"IncludePovCons" : true,
    				"IncludePovScenario" : true,
    				"IncludePovTime" : true,
    				"IncludePovView" : true,
    				"IncludePovAccount" : true,
    				"IncludePovFlow" : true,
    				"IncludePovOrigin" : true,
    				"IncludePovIC" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD1" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD2" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD3" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD4" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD5" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD6" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD7" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD8" : true,
    				"IncludeMemberDetails": true,
    				"IncludeRowNavigationLink" : true,
    				"IncludeHasDataStatus" : true,
    				"IncludeAnnotation" : true,
    				"IncludeAssumptions" : true,
    				"IncludeAuditComment" : true,
    				"IncludeFootnote" : true,
    				"IncludeVarianceExplanation" : true
    • dbug's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thanks a lot for the reply NicolasArgente ! At first I was going to omit them but then realized omitting them seems to set everything to 'True', which would show some unnecessary data for my purpose - hence I indeed needed to include them in the body.

      As JackLacava mentioned above, I had an issue with my custom variables in my cubeview which seemed to be hiding the data.

      Thanks to you both !

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    As far as I know, that's supposed to return data as well - note the format is organized by rows... This requires however that the cubeview will return some data with default settings, without relying on UserPov (you can pass variables in the post call).

    If that's not possible for whatever reason, a simple fallback is to configure a DataAdapter that uses the cubeview, and then use the GetAdoDataSetForAdapter instead.

    • dbug's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi JackLacava Thanks for getting back so fast !

      I have tried passing variables (the only ones I'm aware of are the ones from the doc - see screenshots below from the doc examples)

      Are these the variables you're referring to ? If so, are you perhaps aware of other variables that would enable data to be visible? Otherwise I will attempt your DataAdapter suggestion instead


      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        What I meant is: check the definition of your cubeview for things like the following:

        That |WFYear| variable cannot be resolved automatically when executing the view from REST. So you have to pass the required value with the property "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": [comma separated list of key value pairs as substitution variables with the following format: "VariableName1=[VariableValue1],VariableName2= [VariableValue2],..."]

        In addition, make sure that all dimensions have a member specified either in the main POV or in row/columns, because via REST there won't be a UserPOV to fallback on.

  • IBK's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Could someone please help with the BR code to parse the CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs please. If I use an Extender then will that work. Any help is appreciated. 


    Thank You.