Forum Discussion

dbeavon's avatar
3 years ago

REST API stopped working after upgrade to 7.1

In the prior version of onestream we had configured AAD authentication, and we had a service principal that would be used to process REST API requests (aka the onestream "web api").  This service pri...
  • dbeavon's avatar
    3 years ago


    Sorry, I opened that question on behalf of an admin at my company.  I am a software developer and wasn't actually doing the configuration work myself. I don't have much visibility (poking around blindfolded).


    I do know that we were able to get AAD authentication working again.  And 7.1.0 worked a lot more consistently with prior versions than I had expected (despite the scary notification that I shared from the release notes).


    I also remember that our admins had to open a ticket with OneStream support to get this figured out.  We didn't do it all by ourselves.


    From a developer standpoint, authentication for this OneStream REST API seemed strange.  The credentials of the remote REST client is a service-principal.  But the strange thing about this rest API is that OneStream uses the same service-principal credentials for the configuration on the server-side of things as well.  (It seemed like they don't have a firm grasp on oauth2 concepts.... or maybe it is implemented this way to be consistent with their other supported identity providers.)