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Knowledge Base Article

Can you sort entities returned by the WorflowProfileEntities Method query?


The Method query WorkflowProfileEntities, available on Parameters and Data Adapters, returns an unsorted list of entities assigned to the WF Profile. How can we sort it?


There is no way to do it with that particular Method, but you can use a SQL command type instead, with the following script:

SELECT a.ProfileName, c.Name 
FROM WorkflowProfileHierarchy a
JOIN WorkflowProfileEntities b ON a.ProfileKey = b.WorkflowProfileKey
JOIN Member c ON b.EntityMemberID = c.MemberId
WHERE 1=1 
AND ProfileName = 'Houston'

This will sort entities in alphabetical order.

An enhancement request has been filed for the actual Method (TFS 11301).

Source: Office Hours 2020-10-08 Partner Enablement

Updated 2 years ago
Version 5.0