Question: Is there a comparable to OpenDataUnit in HFM to filter just a subset of accounts / details in a consolidation?
Question (cont)
(example: Set oDataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("A{rle_IC1}.I{[ICPEntities].[Base]}.FL{rle_AllWithoutClosing}.AU{rle_SourceForElim}.CF#[None].TE{FXSimulation.[Base]}")). This enables me to have modular consolidation scripts and just loop through the selected subset in a consolidation to speed up the logic. In OneStream, I found the function “GetDataBufferForCustomElimCalculation” in the GolfStream demo app. This one seems to not support filtering the data unit (e.g., accounts, UD’s). When trying to use “GetDataBufferUsingFormula” instead, I have the problem in consolidation, that this one needs a detailed definition of the destination for all UD’s or it will otherwise use the XFCommon member and not one of the source data set. Maybe I am using it wrong…
Use the GetDataBufferUsingFormula/Filter Members to filter your data buffer’s account-type dimensions (UD’s, Accounts, Flow, etc.)
We also have the ability to use filtering for account-type dimensions in an API.Data.Calculate.
Example: api.Data.Calculate("A#Bonus = A#Salary * 0.05", , , , , "U1#Selling.Base, U1#Eng")
Source: Office Hours 2019-7-25 - Partner Enablement