Forum Discussion

Gaurav's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Deleting unused Dimension from Cube


Is it possible to remove user defined dimension association from cube (Application>Cubes>Cube Dimensions)?

We've an unused dimension initially created but now we'd like to remove it, as all data is loaded at None member.

But when we try to change that UD7 dimension setting to default (RootUD7Dim), it throws below error:

"Error updating cube. Unable to modify cube 'CUBENAMEXXXX' dimensions because the cube has data."


I know that error is because we've loaded data already but just wondering if there's a way to get rid of this dimension from cube.





  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    If there is data, there is data...

    What you could do is this:

    1. extract your base data for scenarios of the type that uses that UD dimension
    2. reset those scenarios, clearing all data
    3. change dimension assignments
    4. reload the data and reconsolidate as necessary.


    1. create a new scenario with a different Scenario Type, using the new dimension. Remember you have the custom ScenarioType1-8, if you don't like the default names.
    2. copy data from the old scenario to the new, with a rule or via export/modify/import
    3. reset the old scenario and then delete it.