Forum Discussion

ewright's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Modifying OneStream Banner


Is there a way to modify the OneStream banner at the very top of both the login screen and the application window where the OneStream Logo could be replaced with a customer logo or anything else?  I know we can add text to the banner via the Application Config file, but I was wondering if there was a way to eliminate our logo in place of something else.  One of our military customers is asking this question.



Ed Wright

  • Not as far as I know, no. You can add a banner top, and the environment name in custom colors to the right of the logo, but that's it. There is probably an enhancement request for this in IdeaStream, that you could try to upvote.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Not as far as I know, no. You can add a banner top, and the environment name in custom colors to the right of the logo, but that's it. There is probably an enhancement request for this in IdeaStream, that you could try to upvote.