Product dimension maximum number of members allowed.

New Contributor

Hi .

Does someone know what is the maximum number of members allowed for a product dimension?, we are assessing implementing the SKU reporting level and we manage around 13k products, I am wondering if the application can manage this volume of data.



Valued Contributor II


Products on an SKU level should typically be loaded to stage / custom table / BI Blend and be reported from there. The reporting requirements are the main driver for such a decision. Mostly, Product Groups are held in a UD where the (aggregated) SKU level data is loaded to (and can be drilled back to from).

Such a decision should be discussed with sufficient time with your implementation partner as many factors play a role here.

If the mentioned reporting capabilities outside of the cube are unclear, you might also ask for a demo so that this becomes more clear. 

I agree with @Henning & @JackLacava .  Its important on requirements like a product dimension at the SKU level to ask Why.  Most FP&A groups don't plan, budget, nor forecast at the SKU level, and most Accounting groups don't run consolidations from the SKU level, To me this suggests a BI requirement.  For which the given suggestions will work.  

Honored Contributor

Everything is possible, but it depends on the overall setup of the cube. If that's the only User Dimension you need and you only have 50 Accounts and 2 Flows, sure, it won't be a problem; if you have another 4 or 5 UDs with thousands of members and a massive chart of Accounts, things will probably get sticky.

That's why we tend to recommend keeping large dimensions ( > x000 members) outside of the cube, as @Henning suggested: because it will typically work consistently, regardless of cube architecture.