Reconciling two applications - waiting for addin functionality

New Contributor II

Hi Community,

For us the biggest lack of the Onestream product is the ability to point to two different applications in the Excel formulas. We are a customer since around 2016 (live 2018) and we have raised this on may occasions and in many forums. 

It has been hurting us all along when testing developments on test vs. production - to see either that it did not impact the numbers or it had the impact we desired. We have been coping with comparing reports etc.


Now we are in the middle of the first rebuild after going live - and the amount of datapoints, levels that we need to check is massive - while we still wait for this most obvious long term deficit, in an otherwise very good product, to be fixed, we turn to you guys.


Can any one share their approaches to compare the data between applications in the development process in generally.


Kind regards



Valued Contributor

You can create an dynamic ud8 function to retrieves the data from another application (as long as they are in the same environment) using CreateSessionInfoForAnotherApp


The details are described here: please read it till the end.

View solution in original post


Contributor II

Hi Per,


Have you looked into using a macro to solve your problem? If you log on to the first application, refresh your data model, log off and log on to the next application and refresh that data model in the macro.

Example of syntax:


Sub RefreshXFFunctions()

Set xfAddIn = Application.COMAddIns("OneStreamExcelAddIn")

If Not xfAddIn Is Nothing Then

If Not xfAddIn.Object Is Nothing Then

Call xfAddIn.Object.RefreshXFFunctionsForActiveWorksheet

End If

End If

End Sub



Valued Contributor

You can create an dynamic ud8 function to retrieves the data from another application (as long as they are in the same environment) using CreateSessionInfoForAnotherApp


The details are described here: please read it till the end.

Contributor III

Hi Per, 

We pull data management extracts at specific intersections from DEV and PROD then compare with an access database. 

New Contributor II

Hi Nicole

Thank you we have tried that, but it can be quite time consuming when you are rebuilding an entire app and there is a good portion of trial and error in the coding, when you as we are implementing a new Coa, Equity/inv subs methology, cashflow and we have reconcile everything  - but I could see it work for smaller dev works on limited data sets.


