Switch data access security on users by time

New Contributor II

I'm sure this question has been asked before in the forum, but I just couldn't find it in the community. We have this requirement where in the same Actual scenario, Corporate (a group of users) can only access the Actual data after  the actual data is finalized by different entities. Any point of time leading to Day X, the entity has the control to pull the switch on releasing the data access to Corporate. On Day X, all the data is made accessible to Corporate. 

I thought about slice security, but it doesn't seem to accommodate this requirement due to the static nature of the DU filter; neither does Conditional Input, which doesn't control the general data access. Can someone please shed some light here on this design whether it's possible to lock down a group of users by time period? 


Contributor III

I am wondering if the Market Place Solution Exchange tool called PCM or Process Control Manager could be an option?  I do not have experience with it but I think it can solve for this need:


Another idea may be to leverage Hybrid Scenario data sharing options.  Perhaps you could have one scenario that is "Working Actuals" and another that is "Final Actuals" and then you hybrid share excluding the current working month.  And then update the current working month once finalized?  


Curious to hear other's thoughts.


Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

Contributor II

From my experience i don't think PCM would be able to deliver the required result as it is more based around limiting input rather than visibility of the data (i.e. it uses conditional input). But i'll be honest it's been years since i've used it so i could be missing something!

I like the second idea though - i think otherwise you would have to set up the data access slices to point to the current time and simply go and update them each month. Not so bad if we are talking 1 or 2 slices but probably not sensible for any significant number (and open to error). You can point the Data Access to T#Global but this only updates whenever you save the cube settings - so it would require you to go in and re-save it every time the Global time changes, which again feels like it could lead to error.