Visitor II

Question (cont)

I have entities consolidated into EUR parents for local GAAP reporting (including journals in C#OwnerPostAdj). The data (C#Local and C#OwnerPostAdj) is copied into a separate scenario for US GAAP reporting.  However, I need to consolidate into USD parents.  How can the data in C#OwnerPostAdj get converted from EUR to USD?



  • Based on information in the question, you would use an alternate hierarchy for US GAAP that has USD parent members but using the same base entities.
  • As you seed the data between scenarios, you will need to translate the EUR OwnerPostAdj values into USD.
  • You will need to consider in your seeding logic the fact that the OwnerPostAdj postings are parent/child specific.
  • The target parent/child relationship will be different to the source parent/child relationship
  • However, you should be able to manage this using, for example, a sensible parent entity naming convention.


Source:  Office Hours 2021-MM-DD - Partner Enablement  

Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2023 08:41 AM
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