Visitor II


  • Each row in the Cube View becomes an item to forecast in predictive analytics.
    • Be cautious with the number of rows in the Cube View
    • It is possible to nest dimensions in the Cube View, but predictive analytics is not intended to be run across thousands of rows at once.
  • The Cube View needs include base intersections as predictive analytics can’t write to any parent intersection.
  • Columns are typically going to show time dimension members. You will need to include the reference period but do not need to show all history in the Cube View. 
  • Currently, predictive analytics projects data to the same time frequency (i.e.,  monthly to monthly).

Source:  Office Hours 2021-04-01 - Partner Enablement

Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2023 08:04 AM
Updated by: