Replicating a Cube View in tabbed dashboards

New Contributor III

I have a cube view with a parameter on UD5 |!param5!| that I would like to put in a tabbed dashboard that has one tab for specific members in UD5. I though the way to do this would be to use the literal parameter values in the Dashboard Properties. I have tried entering the following:
and done this for 4 dashboards. The problem is, ALL the dashboards have the value of member4 since this was the last dashboard in the list to be rendered. If I swapped the order (1,2,4,3) then all dashboards have member3 as the filter. I have tried setting the parameter up as a literal and input parameter and it behaves the same way.
Is there something wrong with the syntax?



Valued Contributor

Hi James,

Not sure what your level is, but this sounds like an ideal use case for dynamic dashboards. But as the note says in the documentation, this is really meant for developers.

Dynamic Dashboards (

Nevertheless, as the number of members vary and you might accidentally create a large number of tabs, how about using something like a drop down list or tree view selection instead to select your parameters (= UD5 members)? I would imagine this to be more user friendly and sustainable.

Contributor II

Yes, a list box component may work well here too.

New Contributor III

thanks - I was pushing for a drop-down list box too, but the specific ask was not to have this - to have the views pre-filtered 🙄
Will take a look at the dynamic Dashboards.

Valued Contributor

You might also want to look at embedded dynamic repeaters:

Embedded Dynamic Repeater Dashboard (

I have not tried this with tabs, but I assume this works as well. Should be easier than Dynamic Dashboards. Let us know if you get it to work like this.

(Still, I am not sure if I think creating a tab for each UD 5 member is a good idea... assuming you have a lot of UD 5 members and not just a handful, this can impact performance! I am still in favor of a non-tabbed solution.)

New Contributor III

Thanks @Henning. Am assuming this is available in a later release... I don't see it as a dashboard type (we're running 7.3.3). Is this part of the 8.0+ platform?

Valued Contributor

Yes, this is part of the new Workspaces. Not sure which version those items have been added exactly, but 7.3 is not recent enough for those features.