Questions about Cube Views and Reports

Forum Posts

Resolved! Performance of tabbed dashboard vs Index type dashboard.

Hi All , I was trying to build a dashboard with a Index or a guided List like below. For the below dashboard these are the steps I took : a. Created A Delimited Parameter with all the reports b. Created an embedded dashboard with the value of this pa...

Index Type Dashboard.jpg Tabbed Dashboard.jpg

Replicating a Cube View in tabbed dashboards

I have a cube view with a parameter on UD5 |!param5!| that I would like to put in a tabbed dashboard that has one tab for specific members in UD5. I though the way to do this would be to use the literal parameter values in the Dashboard Properties. I...

JamesRees by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Rounding function in GetDataCell

Hi all, Currently I have a cube view with GetDataCell formula for ad hoc calculation, may I know is there any rounding off function in the GetDataCell formula? For example, we would like to have a formula like Round(A#100) - Round(A#200). Thanks a lo...

Jacky_C by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Dashboard Component - Text Editor Undo Functionality

I am working with text editors and found that when I try to undo something I keep getting the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error. Does anyone know if this has been fixed in newer versions (currently using 7.4.2 for this) or...

akatsman by New Contributor III
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Extensible Document - number formatting

I created a parameter to specify the dimensions that I want to pull into a Word document. I want to format the data cells to show a "-" and not a zero but I cannot get that to work. I tried : NumberFormat =[#,##0;(#,##0);-] NumberFormat =[#,##0;(#,##...

EPM_22 by New Contributor II
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