Questions about Cube Views and Reports

Forum Posts

Power point in Book not showing the full data of Cubeview

Hi, I created PowerPoint deck for reporting in the OS Book where I attached few cubeviews, But when i try to view the report it shows what ever fits in the one page but if the data is more to show extended rows that just cuts off and not even moving ...

nmubas-c by New Contributor
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CubeView Conditional Formatting based on cell value

Hi all, I am trying to use conditional formatting in a cubeview and color all of the columns but I want it based on the cell value in Col3, not its own cell value. I have If (CellAmount > 0) Then ReportBackgroundColor = Green --- but I want it to be ...

eeisenberg by New Contributor II
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Book: Footer using UTC time zone

When I run a OneStream book, the time zone in the footer is in UTC, which is 5 hours different from my time zone CST. However, if I run the individual cube views that are included in that book, the time zone is converted from UTC to CST. How do I get...

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CubeView dynamic Calc

Hello Experts i'm trying to create a report to calculate fcst numbers based on driver. for driver, i'm using dynamic calc where i'm taking 3 month moving avg as %. my user wants the ability to tweak %. how can i do that? if i add an additional column...

prash4030 by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Combine application table and UD dimension information

Hi, I have an SQL data adapter that queries an application table, and one of the columns is the CostCenter. This CostCenter is also a dimension in our cube, where the table values correspond to the base-level members of that dimension. In the CostCen...

AndreaF by Contributor III
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