Questions about Cube Views and Reports

Forum Posts

Add-in submit lines limit

Originally posted by Armando OrtizHi community, Does anyone knows if there is a limit on the number of lines that can be submitted to OS from an Excel sheet and what is that limit? Thanks in advance for your valuable help.

OSAdmin by Valued Contributor
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Dashboard Change Report

Originally posted by Sheila GraffIs there a report what will show the when dashboards were modified? Looking for something similar to the CubeView Audit.

OSAdmin by Valued Contributor
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VarianceExplanation - Number of characters

Originally posted by Leyton de LangeHi All, I am using view member "VarianceExplanation" in a cube view for comments, and I have a question around how many characters can be used in the cell and also if there is a way to wrap text. The plan is to use...

OSAdmin by Valued Contributor
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If statement in report books

Originally posted by Bob Nelson When using an If statement inside of a loop the reference guide only shows example of = and <>. Are there other conditional statements that are supported by an If statement in report books. Specifically I am looking fo...

OSAdmin by Valued Contributor
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