Questions about Cube Views and Reports

Forum Posts

How do I make 2 combo-boxes dependant on one another?

We have summary dashboards with a lot of information. I'm trying to find a way for users to filter down on that information and have created 2 combo-boxes. However, none of the data pulls through. How do I make those combo- boxes (parameter values) d...

Ashlee by New Contributor III
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Changing the name on a cubeview row item

How can I change the Row name on a cube view so it populates differently in my dashboard? Example in CV is "ESG Total", on the dashboard is "Total ESG" but want the dashboard to say "Environmental Social and Governance Total" cube view: dashboard

abolyard_0-1707430245165.png abolyard_2-1707430328832.png
Ashlee by New Contributor III
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Open a Dashboard from another Workspace

Dear community, With 7.4 onward, we have the concept of "Workspaces", which usually works well. For one of my requirement, I need to embed a dashboard which is on another Workspace. The problem I am facing, is that the parameters that are currently i...

Sergey by Contributor III
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