Account Lock - Allow Input false

New Contributor III


Am looking to lock the accounts (Rev first and then COGS ), such that if the Rev load is done i should be locking the Rev account for a particular scenario, then lock COGS account based on the Input deadlines. Can anyone help me on this


Narayana (BOYD Corporation)


Valued Contributor II

Hi, you will need to use Workflow Channels for that. You set up separate channels, one for Rev, and one for COGS, and assign those to the corresponding accounts as well as WF steps. When the workflow is locked or certified, the accounts that have the same channel assigned as the workflow step will be locked accordingly.

You may also think about using channels on a UD (e.g. Audit) in case you like to split the lock by data collection member in another dimension other than account.

There is a webinar available on OneCommunity as well (Note that the webinar focuses on using WF channels in a UD, but the general concepts are well explained):

Using Workflow Channels & Data Type Dimension - October 2023 - OneStream Community (onestreamsoftwar...

The documentation should help you with more background information, if needed (what you are looking for is "Account Phasing"):

Workflow Channels (

If you search for Workflow Channels in this community you will also find related questions other people were asking on this, in case you need more inspiration on top of the above information and resources.

New Contributor III

Thank you Henning, let me try to use the WF channels to lock the accounts. 


New Contributor III

A quick question Henning, here the WF wont be locked or certified until the the inputs are done for all the accounts (P&L and BS), will the WF channel set up work to lock an account in this case?

Valued Contributor II

Yes, you (/ the users) will have to lock or certify the individual Import (or Forms) steps in order to lock your accounts. Otherwise the system would not know when to lock what.

When you then lock the overall workflow step, that is when the system locks the entire data unit (i.e. the entity that is assigned to the workflow).

New Contributor III

Thank you, users will only lock or certify once all their inputs are completed, is there any other option available to lock the accounts for a specific scenario..


Valued Contributor II

I think there may be a misunderstanding going on. How would you like to lock accounts without locking accounts? Using workflow channels is the way.

E.g. if we use Golfstream.


Let us assume the "Import" step is used to import your Rev accounts. After the import, the Import step can be locked.


If that has been set up using workflow channels as described, locking only this single import step will lock only the Rev accounts in the WF period and WF scenario the user loaded and locked the Rev data to.

Then, the users can load the COGS data using the - in this not well-chosen example - "Sales Detail" import step. Once done, this single import step can be locked, which will then lock only the COGS accounts.


The users can then still load data to accounts that do not share any of the WF channels used for Rev or COGS accounts. Only when the overall step is locked, all data of that scenario / time / entity (simplified) is locked. Such as the step for Feb:




New Contributor III

If my understanding is correct i should be creating one Import step for Rev accounts, and one for COGS account. But i assume the users will load every accounts in a single import step, they will not separate their load by Rev or COGS. i was thinking if any Business rule or SQL query could make the Allow Input property of account to False based on a Scenario

Valued Contributor II

Hi, yes, that is correct, the WF steps need to be split up. If they are not split up, the import would fail even without WF channels if one theoretically locks the Rev accounts a different way, assuming the users re-load the same dataset (but with updated COGS numbers), because they would try to load to (b)locked accounts. This is why the system requires this split either way. 

If you are concerned about a direct connection that loads all data, this can be split as well and only pull the relevant data for the relevant accounts. If the users only have a single source file they manually load, the different steps can use different transformation rules, bypassing the accounts that are not supposed to be loaded in the respective WF step (e.g. bypass Rev accounts in the COGS load step). 

The Allow Input property on an account is neither time nor scenario dependent. So even if you were to use this property, you'd be blocking this for everything. And for the next load one would need to re-open the members. 

New Contributor III

Thank you, let me check and get to you..

New Contributor III

HI, i tried using the below option instead and it worked. thanks for your help



Valued Contributor II

Happy to help!