Calculated Data lost after I run consolidation

New Contributor III

Hello OneStream Experts:

I created an account called MyAcct to store calculation. I run the business rule in Data Management step and put Net Income to MyAcct.

api.Data.Calculate("A#MyAcct = A#NETINC")

After I run the business rule, the Calc Status in View dimension show CA for both NETINC and MyAcct. However, after I run right click the data cell to run consolidation or Calculation, the value in MyAcct got lost, the calc Status for NETINC became OK. I wonder why my calculated account lost the data value after I run consolidation.

Thank you advance for any answers.


Contributor II


You need to set the isdurabledata boolean on the api e.g api.Data.Calculate("A#MyAcct = A#NETINC", True)

Otherwise your data is not durable and will get cleared each time you consolidate

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


Contributor II


You need to set the isdurabledata boolean on the api e.g api.Data.Calculate("A#MyAcct = A#NETINC", True)

Otherwise your data is not durable and will get cleared each time you consolidate

Hope this helps

New Contributor III

@sameburn: Thank you so much. I did use isdurabledata boolean in my business rule. I can see MyAcct numbers, calculated at base Entity, are not cleared when I run consolidation. However the Numbers in MyAcct account do not aggregate to my parent entities after I run the consolidation. In the mean time, the numbers in my NETINC account do aggregate from base entities to parent entities. Thank you again for your help!

If(Not api.Entity.HasChildren() ) Then

api.Data.Calculate("A#MyAcct = A#NETINC"