Consolidation method input
Hi all! Having a copule of questions about consolidation method input and storage:
- Could you please advise on any way to input consolidation method, except changing it directly in Application-> Entity Dimension -> Entity member property?
- Why the consolidation method property, when retrieved through the Cube View, is seen only at C#Share level? The consolidation method account is a DynamicCalc member one, and there is no any restriction on the level of consolidation it should be calculated on fly:
Select Case api.Entity.OwnershipType()
Case ownershiptype.FullConsolidation
Return 1
Case ownershiptype.Holding
Return 2
Case ownershiptype.Equity
Return 3
Case ownershiptype.Custom1
Return 4
Case ownershiptype.Custom2
Return 5
Case Else
Return 0
End Select
Notice that Ownership Type is assigned in the Relationship Properties tab, not in Member Properties. That's because it relates to the Parent-Child relationship. If an Entity had multiple parents, it could have different Ownership Types for each parent. For that reason, it cannot appear in C#Local, because that relates to the child only and appears for any child-parent combination; it has to appear in one of the Parent-Child elements, which technically start at OwnerPreAdj - but not being related to adjustments, it ends in Share, which makes sense.