Consolidation process

New Contributor III
Hi everyone,
I'm having issues when launching the consolidation process after loading data on the cube.
Below you can see the calculation that is triggered when the consolidation process is launched:
api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(True, False, False,"A#2A900A01","F#CHI","I#None")

The 3ABCDEF0 account is the top node of the PL account hierarchy, and the intersection is correctly populated.

The 2A900A01 is the balance sheet account that should be populated as a result of the consolidation process, nevertheless it doesn't get populated. I have already verified the intersections, and they are correct.

Does anyone have any suggestion on why the 2A900A01 account does not get populated?

I know the question is a bit vague but I'm really struggling to understand what the issue might be

Thanks in advance for any help!


Valued Contributor


First you verify that the calculation is actually triggered by using adding e.g. the following to your rule:

BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "YES!")

You check the error log and if you find your "YES!" in there, you have that confirmed.

Then you just create a cube view with a valid input cell using A#2A900A01 and select the target cell's POV using right click >> 'Cell POV Information'. Copy the non-data unit part, which will look something like this:


Use this in your formula and test. This should put data on that single cell in your cube view. Then you take away one dimension after another from your formula until you end up with your original string A#2A900A01:U1#None:U3#None:U5#None:I#None:F#CHI. Run the calculation after each one and verify the data is still in your CV. At some point you should be able to see where it does no longer work as expected.


There are more ways, but I hope this is the fastest one for you.

New Contributor III

Hi @Henning 

thank you for the answer.

The problem seems to be somehow linked to that specific calculation that I showed above. To give you more context, I added the following logs to the script:


test ="A#3ABCDEF0:O#Top:I#Top:F#None:U1#TotProduct:U2#TotC2:U3#TotMarket:U4#TotC4:U5#TotCostCenter:U6#External:U7#None:U8#None")
test2 ="A#2A900A01:O#Top:I#None:F#CHI:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#None:U6#External:U7#None:U8#None")
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"3ABCDEF0: " & test.ToString)
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"2A900A01: " & test2.ToString)

the POV in the calculation (first row) and POVs within the logs are the same. If the calculation worked fine, I would expect to see the same value assigned to both accounts. Nevertheless, while the log related to the account 3ABCDEF0 return the correct value, the log related to the account 2A900A01 returns 0, which means that the initial formula is not working for some reason

Valued Contributor

My intention is to help you to dissect the calculation in a way that you spot where it goes the wrong way. Usually in such cases, one member is wrong (not in the constraint, no input, etc.). Setting up a cube view helps as it provides a quick entry point for the analysis.

This one will not work, because O#Top cannot be a target:


Try O#Forms, and then try it in a cube view as well to verify you can enter data into that exact POV selection manually. Once you confirmed that, you can try writing (i.e. calculating) data there as previously described.


Hi fc,

How is this calculation triggered?

You said when the consolidation process is launched which would make me believe it is either a member formula on account 2A900A01 or a Finance Business Rule attached to the cube. Both of these options are a part of the Data Unit Calculation Sequence (DUCS).