Forum Discussion

aformenti's avatar
Contributor II
10 months ago

Create CSV with Parent/Child relationships across Extended Dimensions

I have recently had the request of creating a Dimensions CSV Export File with Parent/Child Relationships including some member properties. I realised this wasn’t straightforward when Extensibility is used across the dimensionality. Specially with the requirement of presenting the hierarchy with the correct Sort Order. See Example Below:

With the following set up:

The CSV Out Put should be:

I am sharing the solution we have implemented in case to help anyone with the same type of request/requirement. The attached Extender Business rule could be used in a Data Management Step as follows:

It will create CSV file within the User Temp Folder with all the Parent Child Relationships including some properties: Currency (Only For Entity Type Dim), Text1-Text8.

The solution will extract All Dimensions Type, including system dimensions. The code could be easily adapted to work of a Dimension Type List instead. Also, additional properties could be extracted as needed by modifying the Sub Routine GetHirerachyWithPropertiesDataTable.

Credits to Keith Berry (kberry) for providing me with the main core business rule of the solution as well as his help and guidance on this. 

Here it is the full Extender Code:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine

Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.XF_ExportDimsWithProperties
	Public Class MainClass
		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
				'Returns All dimensions in parent/child format including Member Properties 
		        'Fields include Parent, Child, Child Description, RowId, Generation Number, Text1-Text8
				Dim sScenarioType As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("ScenarioType", String.Empty)
				Dim Time As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("Time", String.Empty)
				Dim ScenarioTypeId As Integer = ScenarioType.GetItem(sScenarioType).Id
				Dim TimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtypeId.Time,Time)

				'Get parent/child Data Table with Required Properties:
                Dim dtTotalDim As New DataTable
				'Will Extract All Members across All Dimension Types:
				Dim topMbr As String = "Root"
				'Loop through all Dimensions Type:
				For Each sDimType As DimType In DimType.GetAllDimTypes
					Dim sDimList As List (Of [Dim]) = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDims(si,sDimType.Id)					
					'Process All Dims By DimType and saves a Data Table with Unique Parent/Child Relationships:
					Dim ParentChildTable As New DataTable
					For Each sDim As [Dim] In sDimList
							Dim sDimTable As DataTable = Me.GetParentChildTable(si,api,,sDimType.Id,topMbr)						
					Next sDim
					'Creates a Unique Parent/Child Data Table:
					Dim UniqueParentChildTable As DataTable = ParentChildTable.DefaultView.ToTable(True, {"Parent","Child"})

					'Process Relationships Data Table and re-orders members to get the right dimension Sort Order across extended dims:
					Me.GetHirerachyWithPropertiesDataTable (si, api, sDimType.Id, topMbr,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId,UniqueParentChildTable,dtTotalDim) 	
				Next sDimType
				'Exports and saves in the User Temp Folder:
				Return Nothing
			Catch ex As Exception
				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
			End Try
		End Function
		Private Function GetParentChildTable (si As SessionInfo, api As FinanceRulesApi, dimName As String, dimTypeId As Integer, topMbr As String) As DataTable
                'Initialize table
                Dim dtDim As New DataTable
                dtDim.Columns.Add("Parent", GetType(String))
                dtDim.Columns.Add("Child", GetType(String))
				dtDim.Columns.Add("DimName", GetType(String))
                dtDim.Columns.Add("Description", GetType(String))
                dtDim.Columns.Add("RowId", GetType(Integer))
                dtDim.Columns.Add("Gen", GetType(Integer))

                'Initialize stack variables
                Dim stk As Stack(Of StkMbr) = New Stack(Of StkMbr)
                Dim stkItem As StkMbr
                Dim dimPk As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, dimName)    
                Dim rowId As Integer = 1
                'Push top member onto stack
                Dim stkTop As New StkMbr
                stkTop.Name = topMbr
                stkTop.Parent = "<root>"
                stkTop.Gen = 0

                'Get child members and place on stack until stack is empty
                Do While stk.Count > 0
                    stkItem = stk.Pop				
                    Dim mbrDesc As String =,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name).Description
                    dtDim.Rows.Add(stkItem.Parent, stkItem.Name, dimName,mbrDesc,rowId,stkItem.Gen)
                    rowID= rowId + 1
                    'Get children of current member
                    Dim mbrId As Integer = BRapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si, dimTypeId, stkItem.Name)
                    Dim mbrChildren As List(Of Member) = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetChildren(si,dimPk, mbrId, Nothing)
                    If Not mbrChildren Is Nothing Then
                        For Each child As Member In mbrChildren
                            Dim stkChild As New StkMbr
                            stkChild.Name = child.Name
                            stkChild.Parent = stkItem.Name
                            stkChild.Gen = stkItem.Gen + 1                      
                    End If
                Return dtDim
            Catch ex As Exception
                Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
            End Try
        End Function
	    Sub GetHirerachyWithPropertiesDataTable (si As SessionInfo, api As FinanceRulesApi, dimTypeId As Integer, topMbr As String, ScenarioTypeId As Integer, Timeid As Integer, ByVal UniqueParentChildTable As DataTable, ByRef DataTable As DataTable)
                'Initialize table
                Dim dtDim As DataTable = DataTable
				'Initialise Table and Add Colums if Empty:
				If DataTable.Rows.Count.Equals(0) Then 
	                dtDim.Columns.Add("SORT_ORDER", GetType(Integer))
	                dtDim.Columns.Add("DIMENSION", GetType(String))
	                dtDim.Columns.Add("MEMBER", GetType(String))
	                dtDim.Columns.Add("MEMBER_DESC", GetType(String))
	                dtDim.Columns.Add("BASE", GetType(Boolean))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("PARENT", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("CURRENCY", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text1", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text2", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text3", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text4", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text5", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text6", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text7", GetType(String))
					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text8", GetType(String))
				End If 

                'Initialize stack variables
                Dim stk As Stack(Of StkMbr) = New Stack(Of StkMbr)
                Dim stkItem As StkMbr
                Dim rowId As Integer = 1
				Dim MembProperties As New Object
				'Defines Member Properties Object based on DimType:
				Select Case dimTypeId
					Case DimType.Entity.Id
						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Entity
					Case DimType.Account.Id
						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Account
					Case DimType.Flow.Id
						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Flow
					Case DimType.UD1.Id, DimType.UD2.Id, DimType.UD3.Id, DimType.UD4.Id, DimType.UD5.Id, DimType.UD6.Id, DimType.UD7.Id, DimType.UD8.Id
						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.UD
					Case DimType.Scenario.Id
						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Scenario
					Case Else 
						MembProperties = Nothing 
				End Select

				Dim MemberDisplay As New memberDisplayOptions
				Dim DimDisplay As New DimDisplayOptions
				MemberDisplay.IncludeMemberDim = True
				 'Push top member onto stack
                Dim stkTop As New StkMbr
                stkTop.Name = topMbr
                stkTop.Parent = "<root>"
                stkTop.Gen = 0
                'Get child members and place on stack until stack is empty
                Do While stk.Count > 0

					stkItem = stk.Pop
					Dim MembDimName As String = $"RootDim"
					Dim Currency As String = ""
					Dim mbrDesc As String = ""
					Dim MembId As Integer = -1
					Dim text1 = ""
					Dim text2 = ""
					Dim text3 = ""
					Dim text4 = ""
					Dim text5 = ""
					Dim text6 = ""
					Dim text7 = ""
					Dim text8 = ""
					'Pull member Properties to add into Table:
					If Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Root") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("EntityDefault") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("UD1Default") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("None") Then								
						mbrDesc = BRAPI.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimTypeId, stkItem.Name).Description
						MembId = Brapi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name).MemberId	
						MembDimName = Brapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberInfo(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name,True,Nothing,MemberDisplay).MemberDim.Name
						If dimTypeId.equals(DimType.Entity.Id) Then 
							Currency = MembProperties.GetLocalCurrency(si,MembId).Name
						End If 	
						If Not MembProperties Is Nothing	
							If dimType.IsUDDimType(dimTypeId) Then
								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,1,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,2,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,3,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,4,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,5,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,6,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,7,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,8,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
							Else If dimType.Scenario.Id.Equals(dimTypeId)
								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,1)
								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,2)
								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,3)
								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,4)
								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,5)
								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,6)
								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,7)
								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,8)
								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,1,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,2,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,3,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,4,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,5,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,6,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,7,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,8,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
							End If
						End If
					End If 
					Dim IsBase As Boolean = Not Me.isParentAllDims(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name)
					'Adds into the Table:
                    rowID= rowId + 1
					'Looks Up for Children:
					Dim result() As DataRow = UniqueParentChildTable.Select("[Parent] = '" & stkItem.Name & "'")

					If result.Count > 0 Then        
						'Loop through the result backwards to get the stack in the right order:
						For i As Integer = result.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
							Dim stkChild As New StkMbr
	                        stkChild.Name = result(i).Item("Child")
	                        stkChild.Parent = result(i).Item("Parent")
	                        stkChild.Gen = stkItem.Gen + 1                      
                   End If

            Catch ex As Exception
                Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
            End Try
        End Sub
		 'Data structure for stack
        Private Structure StkMbr
            Property Name As String 
            Property Parent As String
            Property Gen As Integer
        End Structure
		Function isParentAllDims (ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal DimTypeId As Integer, ByVal MembName As String) As Boolean
				Dim MembId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,DimTypeId,MembName)
				Dim IsParent As Boolean = False
				For Each sDim In BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDims(si,DimTypeId).Select(Function(x) x.DimPk).toList()
					If Not IsParent
						IsParent = BRApi.Finance.Members.HasChildren(si,sDim,MembId)
					End If 
				Next sDim

				Return IsParent
		          Catch ex As Exception
                Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
            End Try	
		End Function
		Private Sub ExportToCSV (ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal FileName As String, ByVal DataTable As DataTable)
				'1. Declare target dims and DataTable			
				Dim csvContent As New Text.StringBuilder
				Dim qualifier As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultQuoteCharacter
				Dim delimiter As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultDelimiter
				'Create DataTable
				Dim dt As DataTable = DataTable
				'2. If rows returned, create CSV file content
				If Not dt Is Nothing Then
					Dim csv As New Text.StringBuilder
					'Declare string builder to store csv text
					'Create column list from dt
					Dim colList As New List(Of String)
					For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
					'Write the column Definitions
					Dim colDescs As New Text.StringBuilder
					For Each colName As String In colList					

						Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
						'Check to see if the column data type requires quotes
						Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
						If dc.ColumnName.Contains(delimiter) Then
							quotesRequired = True
						End If
						If colDescs.Length > 0 Then
							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
						End If
					'Write the Data Rows
					For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
						Dim rowVals As New Text.StringBuilder
						For Each colName As String In colList
							Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
							Dim rowVal As String = dr(dc.Ordinal).ToString

							'Check to see if the row data type requires quotes
							Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
							If rowVal.Contains(delimiter) Then
								quotesRequired = True
							End If
							If rowVals.Length > 0 Then
								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
							End If
				'3. Write File to User Temp Folder (to open from dashboard button)	
				' This folder is cleared when user session expires
				Dim fileBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csvContent.ToString)
				BRApi.Utilities.SaveFileBytesToUserTempFolder(si, si.UserName, fileName, fileBytes)
				'Add this text To button that calls Function.  Navigation Action.  Open File
				'FileSourceType=Application, UrlOrFullFileName=[Internal/Users/|UserName|/Temp/Test.csv], OpenInXFPageIfPossible=False
				End If
			            Catch ex As Exception
                Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
            End Try	
		End Sub 	
	End Class
End Namespace


  • aformenti's avatar
    Contributor II

    Just posting a minor update on the code. Changed the file delimiter to Tab (it was causing issues with members containing special characters) and changed the approach of the IsBase Field. 

    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.Common
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.XF_ExportDimsWithProperties
    	Public Class MainClass
    		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
    				'Returns All dimensions in parent/child format including Member Properties 
    		        'Fields include Parent, Child, Child Description, RowId, Generation Number, Text1-Text8
    				Dim sScenarioType As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("ScenarioType", String.Empty)
    				Dim Time As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("Time", String.Empty)
    				Dim ScenarioTypeId As Integer = ScenarioType.GetItem(sScenarioType).Id
    				Dim TimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtypeId.Time,Time)
    				Dim FileName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("FileName", String.Empty)
    				'Get parent/child Data Table with Required Properties:
                    Dim dtTotalDim As New DataTable
    				'Will Extract All Members across All Dimension Types:
    				Dim topMbr As String = "Root"
    				'Loop through all Dimensions Type:
    				For Each sDimType As DimType In DimType.GetAllDimTypes			
    					Dim sDimList As List (Of [Dim]) = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDims(si,sDimType.Id)					
    					'Process All Dims By DimType and saves a Data Table with Unique Parent/Child Relationships:
    					Dim ParentChildTable As New DataTable
    					For Each sDim As [Dim] In sDimList
    							Dim sDimTable As DataTable = Me.GetParentChildTable(si,api,,sDimType.Id,topMbr)						
    					Next sDim
    					'Creates a Unique Parent/Child Data Table:
    					Dim UniqueParentChildTable As DataTable = ParentChildTable.DefaultView.ToTable(True, {"Parent","Child"})
    					'Process Relationships Data Table and re-orders members to get the right dimension Sort Order across extended dims:
    					Me.GetHirerachyWithPropertiesDataTable (si, api, sDimType.Id, topMbr,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId,UniqueParentChildTable,dtTotalDim) 				
    				Next sDimType
    				'Exports and saves in the User Temp Folder:
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    		Private Function GetParentChildTable (si As SessionInfo, api As FinanceRulesApi, dimName As String, dimTypeId As Integer, topMbr As String) As DataTable
                    'Initialize table
                    Dim dtDim As New DataTable
                    dtDim.Columns.Add("Parent", GetType(String))
                    dtDim.Columns.Add("Child", GetType(String))
    				dtDim.Columns.Add("DimName", GetType(String))
                    dtDim.Columns.Add("RowId", GetType(Integer))
                    dtDim.Columns.Add("Gen", GetType(Integer))
                    'Initialize stack variables
                    Dim stk As Stack(Of StkMbr) = New Stack(Of StkMbr)
                    Dim stkItem As StkMbr
                    Dim dimPk As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, dimName)    
                    Dim rowId As Integer = 1
                    'Push top member onto stack
                    Dim stkTop As New StkMbr
                    stkTop.Name = topMbr
                    stkTop.Parent = "<root>"
                    stkTop.Gen = 0
                    'Get child members and place on stack until stack is empty
                    Do While stk.Count > 0
                        stkItem = stk.Pop				
                        dtDim.Rows.Add(stkItem.Parent, stkItem.Name, dimName,rowId,stkItem.Gen)
                        rowID= rowId + 1
                        'Get children of current member
                        Dim mbrId As Integer = BRapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si, dimTypeId, stkItem.Name)
                        Dim mbrChildren As List(Of Member) = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetChildren(si,dimPk, mbrId, Nothing)
                        If Not mbrChildren Is Nothing Then
                            For Each child As Member In mbrChildren
                                Dim stkChild As New StkMbr
                                stkChild.Name = child.Name
                                stkChild.Parent = stkItem.Name
                                stkChild.Gen = stkItem.Gen + 1                      
                        End If
                    Return dtDim
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
                End Try
            End Function
    	    Sub GetHirerachyWithPropertiesDataTable (si As SessionInfo, api As FinanceRulesApi, dimTypeId As Integer, topMbr As String, ScenarioTypeId As Integer, Timeid As Integer, ByVal UniqueParentChildTable As DataTable, ByRef DataTable As DataTable)
                    'Initialize table
                    Dim dtDim As DataTable = DataTable
    				'Initialise Table and Add Colums if Empty:
    				If DataTable.Rows.Count.Equals(0) Then 
    	                dtDim.Columns.Add("SORT_ORDER", GetType(Integer))
    	                dtDim.Columns.Add("DIMENSION", GetType(String))
    	                dtDim.Columns.Add("MEMBER", GetType(String))
    	                dtDim.Columns.Add("MEMBER_DESC", GetType(String))
    	                dtDim.Columns.Add("BASE", GetType(Boolean))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("PARENT", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("CURRENCY", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text1", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text2", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text3", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text4", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text5", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text6", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text7", GetType(String))
    					dtDim.Columns.Add("Text8", GetType(String))
    				End If 
                    'Initialize stack variables
                    Dim stk As Stack(Of StkMbr) = New Stack(Of StkMbr)
                    Dim stkItem As StkMbr
                    Dim rowId As Integer = 1
    				Dim MembProperties As New Object
    				'Defines Member Properties Object based on DimType:
    				Select Case dimTypeId
    					Case DimType.Entity.Id
    						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Entity
    					Case DimType.Account.Id
    						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Account
    					Case DimType.Flow.Id
    						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Flow
    					Case DimType.UD1.Id, DimType.UD2.Id, DimType.UD3.Id, DimType.UD4.Id, DimType.UD5.Id, DimType.UD6.Id, DimType.UD7.Id, DimType.UD8.Id
    						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.UD
    					Case DimType.Scenario.Id
    						MembProperties = BRApi.Finance.Scenario
    					Case Else 
    						MembProperties = Nothing 
    				End Select
    				Dim MemberDisplay As New memberDisplayOptions
    				Dim DimDisplay As New DimDisplayOptions
    				MemberDisplay.IncludeMemberDim = True
    				 'Push top member onto stack
                    Dim stkTop As New StkMbr
                    stkTop.Name = topMbr
                    stkTop.Parent = "<root>"
                    stkTop.Gen = 0
                    'Get child members and place on stack until stack is empty
                    Do While stk.Count > 0
    					stkItem = stk.Pop
    					Dim MembDimName As String = $"RootDim"
    					Dim Currency As String = ""
    					Dim mbrDesc As String = ""
    					Dim MembId As Integer = -1
    					Dim text1 = ""
    					Dim text2 = ""
    					Dim text3 = ""
    					Dim text4 = ""
    					Dim text5 = ""
    					Dim text6 = ""
    					Dim text7 = ""
    					Dim text8 = ""
    					'Pull member Properties to add into Table:
    					If Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Root") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("EntityDefault") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("UD1Default") AndAlso Not stkItem.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("None") Then								
    '						mbrDesc = BRAPI.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimTypeId, stkItem.Name).Description
    						mbrDesc = Brapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberInfo(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name,True,Nothing,MemberDisplay).Description
    						MembId = Brapi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name).MemberId	
    						MembDimName = Brapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberInfo(si,dimTypeId,stkItem.Name,True,Nothing,MemberDisplay).MemberDim.Name
    						If dimTypeId.equals(DimType.Entity.Id) Then 
    							Currency = MembProperties.GetLocalCurrency(si,MembId).Name
    						End If 	
    						If Not MembProperties Is Nothing	
    							If dimType.IsUDDimType(dimTypeId) Then
    								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,1,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,2,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,3,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,4,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,5,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,6,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,7,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,dimTypeId,MembId,8,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    							Else If dimType.Scenario.Id.Equals(dimTypeId)
    								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,1)
    								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,2)
    								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,3)
    								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,4)
    								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,5)
    								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,6)
    								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,7)
    								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,8)
    								text1 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,1,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text2 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,2,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text3 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,3,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text4 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,4,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text5 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,5,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text6 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,6,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text7 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,7,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    								text8 = MembProperties.Text(si,MembId,8,ScenarioTypeId,TimeId)
    							End If
    						End If
    					End If 
    					Dim IsBase As Boolean = False
    					'Looks Up for Children:
    					Dim result() As DataRow = UniqueParentChildTable.Select("[Parent] = '" & stkItem.Name & "'")
    					If result.Count > 0 Then        
    						'Loop through the result backwards to get the stack in the right order:
    						For i As Integer = result.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
    							Dim stkChild As New StkMbr
    	                        stkChild.Name = result(i).Item("Child")
    	                        stkChild.Parent = stkItem.Name 
    	                        stkChild.Gen = stkItem.Gen + 1                      
    					Else 'If Member Has No Children, IsBase=True
    						IsBase = True 	
                       End If
    				   	'Adds into the Table:
    					rowID= rowId + 1
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
                End Try
            End Sub
    		 'Data structure for stack
            Private Structure StkMbr
                Property Name As String 
                Property Parent As String
                Property Gen As Integer
            End Structure
    		Private Sub ExportToCSV (ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal FileName As String, ByVal DataTable As DataTable)
    				'1. Declare target dims and DataTable			
    				Dim csvContent As New Text.StringBuilder
    				Dim qualifier As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultQuoteCharacter
    '				Dim delimiter As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultDelimiter
    '				Dim delimiter As String = "	"
    				Dim delimiter As String = constants.vbTab
    				'Create DataTable
    				Dim dt As DataTable = DataTable
    				'2. If rows returned, create CSV file content
    				If Not dt Is Nothing Then
    					Dim csv As New Text.StringBuilder
    					'Declare string builder to store csv text
    					'Create column list from dt
    					Dim colList As New List(Of String)
    					For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    					'Write the column Definitions
    					Dim colDescs As New Text.StringBuilder
    					For Each colName As String In colList					
    						Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
    						'Check to see if the column data type requires quotes
    						Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
    						If dc.ColumnName.Contains(delimiter) Then
    							quotesRequired = True
    						End If
    						If colDescs.Length > 0 Then
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    						End If
    					'Write the Data Rows
    					For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
    						Dim rowVals As New Text.StringBuilder
    						For Each colName As String In colList
    							Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
    							Dim rowVal As String = dr(dc.Ordinal).ToString
    							'Check to see if the row data type requires quotes
    							Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
    							If rowVal.Contains(delimiter) Then
    								quotesRequired = True
    							End If
    							If rowVals.Length > 0 Then
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    							End If
    				'3. Write File to User Temp Folder (to open from dashboard button)	
    				' This folder is cleared when user session expires
    				Dim fileBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csvContent.ToString)
    				BRApi.Utilities.SaveFileBytesToUserTempFolder(si, si.UserName, fileName, fileBytes)
    				'Add this text To button that calls Function.  Navigation Action.  Open File
    				'FileSourceType=Application, UrlOrFullFileName=[Internal/Users/|UserName|/Temp/Test.csv], OpenInXFPageIfPossible=False
    				End If
    			            Catch ex As Exception
                    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
                End Try	
    		End Sub 	
    	End Class
    End Namespace



    • James's avatar
      New Contributor

      Great Stuff Albert - would be great to convert it to a workspace utility, using assemblies, when you have time. For example, some drop downs for Scenario Type, Time, File name and maybe location (for users without access to the systems tab - file explorer)

    • pranav46's avatar
      Contributor II

      Trying to pass a value from DM as DIMType and  extract particular DIM. Have you done that?
      I have added if statement and its working but cant get to work when I pass value.

      • aformenti's avatar
        Contributor II

        Hi pranav46,

        This is definitely possible. You can either pass in the DimType Name as String or the ID as Integer. 

        If you send me the BR snippet I can help you out. 



  • Rich_House's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Agree with James, for now, where can one find the user temp folder?