Dashboard XFBR String Rules - api.data.GetDataCell
We want to make some forecast periods read only ( Data seeded periods from Actuals) in a Data submission cube view by referencing the period count submitted in another Cube View. Basically, this is to deal forecast data submission.
Trying to achieve this by Dashboard XFBR string and that string is referenced into the Form template -> CubeView to make certain periods as readonly, so that they cannot submit the forecast data for those periods.
Below is the script that we are using the get the Period count submitted in a specific POV( to start with, hard coded all the POV members)
Dim strActMonths As String = api.data.GetDataCell("E#FC_Seed_Entry:P#:C#Local:S#FC11:T#2023M12:V#Periodic:A#FC_Seeding:F#None:O#Forms:I#None:U1#None:U2#None:U3#None:U4#None:U5#Text3:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim iActMonths As Decimal = 0
iActMonths = strActMonths.XFConvertToInt
We have called this into a Form tempplate and then to CubeView to display the columns.
But, when we try to open the Cube View it's giving the error " Object variable or With block variable not set"
It looks like there is some gap in pulling the POV value and converting to integer. Appreciate your thoughts on this.
If we hardcode the iActMonths value to certain number as below, it's working as expected.
"Dim iActMonths As Decimal = 5"
also, the same logic is working fine in Finance rules section to seed the data from Actuals, But not in the DashBoard XFBR type.
Appreciate your thoughts on this.