06-14-2023 02:27 PM - last edited on 06-14-2023 04:45 PM by JackLacava
I am trying to build a Drill back functionality in one of data source connector business rules. I tried looking into One Stream reference guide on Data Source connector business rules and I found below reference for nested Drill back functionality.
But practically when I tried to drill back on a drill back detail row, OS returns following message. The click on the drill back is not even calling the connector business rules any more.
Can someone help me with the ways to code with nested drill backs. I tried to follow the examples from Golfstream application.
Private Function GetDrillBackTypeList(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal args As ConnectorArgs) As List(Of DrillBackTypeInfo)
'Create the SQL Statement
Dim drillTypes As New List(Of DrillBackTypeInfo)
If args.DrillCode.Equals(StageConstants.TransformationGeneral.DrillCodeDefaultValue, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Source GL Drill Down
drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.FileShareFile, New NameAndDesc("InvoiceDocument", "Invoice Document")))
drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialTypeDetail", "Material Type Detail")))
ElseIf args.DrillCode.Equals("BOMDetail", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Material Type Drill Down
drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialAllProducts", "Material All Products")))
drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialAllVendors", "Material All Vendors")))
End If
Return drillTypes
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
'Execute specific drill back type
Private Function GetDrillBack(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal args As ConnectorArgs, ByVal connectionString As String) As DrillBackResultInfo
If args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("InvoiceDocument", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Level 1: Show FileShare File
Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo
drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.FileShareFile
drillBackInfo.DocumentPath = Me.GetDrillBackDocPath_L1(si, globals, api, args)
Return drillBackInfo
ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialTypeDetail", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail
Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L1(si, globals, api, args)
Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo
drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid
drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber)
Return drillBackInfo
ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialAllProducts", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail
Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L2(si, globals, api, args, True, False)
Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo
drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid
drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber)
Return drillBackInfo
ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialAllVendors", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail
Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L2(si, globals, api, args, False, True)
Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo
drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid
drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber)
Return drillBackInfo
Return Nothing
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
Mohan Alluri.
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-14-2023 05:25 PM - edited 06-14-2023 05:27 PM
I was able to find the solution and it is to have a column with name called "DrillTypeCode" in the first drill back result. When you drill back again the connector will be called with ActionType as GetDrillBackTypes and args.DrillCode will have the value from the column "DrillTypeCode" of the row you are performing drillback.
06-14-2023 04:36 PM
I've written about this in the Planning book with examples. You need to play around with your first drill and use that in the second.
06-14-2023 04:43 PM
Hi ckattookaran,
Can you point me to the examples you are referring to please?
06-14-2023 05:25 PM - edited 06-14-2023 05:27 PM
I was able to find the solution and it is to have a column with name called "DrillTypeCode" in the first drill back result. When you drill back again the connector will be called with ActionType as GetDrillBackTypes and args.DrillCode will have the value from the column "DrillTypeCode" of the row you are performing drillback.
09-20-2023 03:06 PM
Were you able to pull data from Drill Back Detail screen same as the one from Staging Area (sourceValues.Item(StageTableFields.StageSourceData.DimEntity)?
09-20-2023 04:04 PM
Yes, precisely you can use below statement.
09-20-2023 04:08 PM
I mean from the Drill Back Detail as I need one field that is not in the Staging Area.
09-20-2023 04:16 PM
If you are working on nested drill back functionality you can always get the value of the field in a row with args.GetSourceRowValue("[column name]")
09-21-2023 03:02 PM
That worked! Thank for your help.
04-02-2024 11:40 PM
Hi! I'm trying to create something similar. Do you mind sharing step by step instructions please?
04-08-2024 09:05 AM
Are you trying to do a nested drill back ?
06-26-2024 06:20 AM
Hello Seangly, im also tryng to do a drillback option to my BR connector, but i have no idea how i can write it down on my script, any help or instructions from you guys is well apreciated!
Here is my complete BR connector it pulls data from a biblent table:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Linq
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Connector.Central_Connector_BiBlend
Public Class MainClass
Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal args As ConnectorArgs) As Object
'Get the query information
Dim extConnName As String = "OneStream BI Blend"
Dim dbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateExternalDbConnInfo(si, extConnName)
Dim connectionString As String = dbConn.ConnectionString
'Get the Field name list or load the data
Select Case args.ActionType
Case Is = ConnectorActionTypes.GetFieldList
'Return Field Name List if using Field List Method to get field list in GetFieldList
Dim fieldList As List(Of String) = GetFieldList(si, globals, api)
Return fieldList
Case Is = ConnectorActionTypes.GetData
'Dim connectionString As String = "BIBlend Local DB"
Dim provType As DbProviderType = DbProviderType.SqlServer 'Update accordingly
Dim sFirstPartNameBIBlendTable As String = "BIB_Dev_CENTRAL_TASKSCentral_Loads_Operationnel" 'Update with your table name
Dim sWFScenario As String = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si,DimTypeId.Scenario,si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
Dim sWFTime As String = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetNameFromId(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
Dim sBIBlendTableName As String = $"{sFirstPartNameBIBlendTable}_{sWFScenario}_BiB_{sWFTime}"
Dim wfKey As String = String.empty
Dim wfname As String = api.WorkflowProfile.GetAttributeValue(scenarioTypeID.Actual,sharedconstants.WorkflowProfileAttributeIndexes.Text4)
'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"wfname = " & wfname)
'If wfname.Length > 0 Then
If wfname.Contains(sFirstPartNameBIBlendTable) Then
'Process Data
Dim sourceDataSQL As String = GetSourceDataSQL(si, globals, api, wfKey, sBIBlendTableName)
api.Parser.ProcessSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.SqlServer, connectionString, False, sourceDataSQL, False, api.ProcessInfo)
'api.Parser.ProcessSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.SqlServer, connectionString, False, "Select Entity From " & sBIBlendTableName, False, api.ProcessInfo)
Throw New Exception("No BiBlend Table specified in Text4 of this WorkFlow")
End If
Return Nothing
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
'Create the field list SQL Statement Method to get field list (Recommended)
Private Function GetFieldList(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer) As List(Of String)
Dim sWFTime As String = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetNameFromId(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"sWFTime = " & sWFTime)
Dim fields As New List(Of String)
'Comment/Uncomment to make fields valid. This controls what can be mapped in Data Source as well as what the Query itself will bring in
Return fields
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
'Create the data load SQL Statement
Private Function GetSourceDataSQL(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal wfKey As String, ByVal sBIBlendTableName As String ) As String
'Create the SQL Statement
Dim statement As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim selectClause As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim fromClause As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim whereClause As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim orderByClause As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim fieldListForQuery As List(Of String) = GetFieldList(si, globals, api)
Dim selectedFields As String = String.Join(", ", fieldListForQuery.ToArray())
' Build SELECT clause
selectClause.Append("SELECT ")
selectClause.Append(" ")
' Build FROM clause
fromClause.Append("FROM ")
fromClause.Append(" ")
' Build WHERE clause
whereClause.Append("WHERE 1=1 ")
' Get the list of assigned entities for this Workflow and put them together into a comma separated list
Dim assignedEntities As List(Of WorkflowProfileEntityInfo) = BRAPi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfileEntities(si, api.WorkflowProfile.profilekey)
' Check to make sure there are entities assigned to the WFP
If assignedEntities Is Nothing Then
BRAPI.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "No Entities assigned to WF Profile")
Return Nothing
End If
' Loop through the Workflow Profile assigned Entities and get all the names as strings
Dim sbEntities As New StringBuilder()
Dim isFirstItem As Boolean = True
For Each entity As WorkflowProfileEntityInfo In assignedEntities
If Not isFirstItem Then
sbEntities.Append(", ")
End If
sbEntities.Append("'" & entity.EntityName & "'")
isFirstItem = False
whereClause.Append("AND Entity IN(" & sbEntities.ToString() & ") ")
' Create the full SQL Statement
' Log the SQL statement for debugging
'BRAPI.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, statement.ToString)
Return statement.ToString
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
End Class
End Namespace