ID Field in Custom SQL and Setting a Unique Default for New Rows

New Contributor III


I have a custom SQL table for people planning and want an ID field as my primary key. 

(The existing fields that would be good for a primary key need to editable (e.g. entry date) so I cannot use a set of existing fields as my primary key.  Setting a field as a primary key makes that field not editable.) 

My question is how to set a field's default with a SQL code, "select NEWID()" which generates a unique code?  I tried creating a parameter as a Bound List and SQL code with this query but when the dashboard with the SQL table editor is opened I get a pop up window asking for an input for this parameter.  

How are primary keys normally handled in this case?  Thanks.


@Montreux Yes, I use Dashboard Extenders for this.  Here's some example code to help you get started.  I almost never use the STE's internal save/update functionality.  Besides being fussy and undocumented, it doesn't (that I know of) stub out for data validation.


Private Function SaveRecords(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs) As Object
  Dim strSql As String = String.Empty
  Dim strDate As String = String.Empty
  Dim saveDataTaskResult As Object = Nothing
  Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty
  Dim strValidationMsg = String.Empty

    'Not cancelling the default save even though nothing will be saved using the STE allows the UI to refresh with the new values
    saveDataTaskResult = New XFSqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskResult() With {
      .IsOK = True,
      .ShowMessageBox = False,
      .Message = "",
      .CancelDefaultSave = False
    pKTheId = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("pKTheId", "0")
    For Each row As XFEditedDataRow In args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows
      'Add any data validation here
      strValidationMsg = ValidateRecord(si, args, row)
      strDate = Date.Parse(row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomDate")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
      strSql = $"UPDATE XFW_CustomTable SET CustomAmount={row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomAmount")}, Descr='{row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("Descr")}' WHERE CustomDate='{strDate}' and pKTheId={pKTheId}"
      Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
        BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True)
      End Using
    'We already added the new/updated records.  No need to use the SqlTableEditor to do it - so we clear them here.
        args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Insert)
        args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Update)

    Catch ex As Exception
         Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.GetType().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex)
    End Try
  Return saveDataTaskResult
End Function

private function ValidateRecord(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs, row As XFEditedDataRow) As String
  Dim strValidationMsg as String = String.Empty
  'validation code here...
  return strValidationMsg
End Function

Private Function GetNextpKTheId(si As SessionInfo) As String
    Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty
  Dim strSql as String = String.Empty

    strSql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(pKTheId), 0)+1 as NextpKTheId From XFW_CustomTable"
    Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
      pKTheId = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True).Rows(0).Item("NextpKTheId")
    End Using
     Catch ex As Exception
        Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.[GetType]().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex)
    End Try

    Return pKTheId
End Function


View solution in original post


Contributor II

You can use GUID to have a primary key 


				Dim sSQL As New Text.StringBuilder
				Dim sGUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid 'Create a new Unique ID
				sSQL.Append($"INSERT INTO TableName VALUES (")
				Using DbConn
				End Using



Thanks, Omkareshwar
Archetype Consulting

New Contributor III

Hi, thanks for your idea.  I'm curious where this is run from?  A Dashboard Extender rule to update the table?  My concern is that if 2 identical rows are saved from the SQL table editor or Spreadsheet, the problem exists before this rule can be run to make the 2 rows unique with the snippet you've shared.  I thought setting a field's default value would be best suited for this.  Thanks for your input.

Valued Contributor

If you want to create an integer ID field in your table that is in numerical order, you can use the following:

Dim strSql as String = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(MyID), 0)+1 as MyID From MyTable"
Dim myId as Integer = 0
Using DbConn
	myId = BRApi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(DbConn,strSql,False,True).Rows(0).Item("MyId")		
End Using

Hi, thanks also for you input.  I'll ask the same question to you that I did for the other good response to my question.  Where this is run from?  A Dashboard Extender rule?  My concern is that if 2 identical rows are saved from the SQL table editor or Spreadsheet then the problem exists before this rule can be run to make the 2 rows unique.  The SQL table editor's field's default value would be best suited for this but SQL rule don't work here.  Thanks again.

@Montreux Yes, I use Dashboard Extenders for this.  Here's some example code to help you get started.  I almost never use the STE's internal save/update functionality.  Besides being fussy and undocumented, it doesn't (that I know of) stub out for data validation.


Private Function SaveRecords(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs) As Object
  Dim strSql As String = String.Empty
  Dim strDate As String = String.Empty
  Dim saveDataTaskResult As Object = Nothing
  Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty
  Dim strValidationMsg = String.Empty

    'Not cancelling the default save even though nothing will be saved using the STE allows the UI to refresh with the new values
    saveDataTaskResult = New XFSqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskResult() With {
      .IsOK = True,
      .ShowMessageBox = False,
      .Message = "",
      .CancelDefaultSave = False
    pKTheId = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("pKTheId", "0")
    For Each row As XFEditedDataRow In args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows
      'Add any data validation here
      strValidationMsg = ValidateRecord(si, args, row)
      strDate = Date.Parse(row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomDate")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
      strSql = $"UPDATE XFW_CustomTable SET CustomAmount={row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomAmount")}, Descr='{row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("Descr")}' WHERE CustomDate='{strDate}' and pKTheId={pKTheId}"
      Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
        BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True)
      End Using
    'We already added the new/updated records.  No need to use the SqlTableEditor to do it - so we clear them here.
        args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Insert)
        args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Update)

    Catch ex As Exception
         Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.GetType().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex)
    End Try
  Return saveDataTaskResult
End Function

private function ValidateRecord(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs, row As XFEditedDataRow) As String
  Dim strValidationMsg as String = String.Empty
  'validation code here...
  return strValidationMsg
End Function

Private Function GetNextpKTheId(si As SessionInfo) As String
    Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty
  Dim strSql as String = String.Empty

    strSql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(pKTheId), 0)+1 as NextpKTheId From XFW_CustomTable"
    Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
      pKTheId = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True).Rows(0).Item("NextpKTheId")
    End Using
     Catch ex As Exception
        Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.[GetType]().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex)
    End Try

    Return pKTheId
End Function


New Contributor III

This makes a lot of sense now.  Running the rule to first validate, then set the ID, then save is the order I'm looking for.  Thanks a lot!