3 weeks ago
In the GetTableView function of a Spreadsheet BR, I extract data from a database table (XFW_TLP_Register). For a numeric value (e.g. NCode1) negative numbers are by default extracted to Excel as varchar (with “,” as decimal separator) and positive numbers as numeric values (with “.” as decimal separator). Hence, the value cannot be submitted back since it’s trying to submit a text value into a numeric database column. If I cast the column (in my SQL query in the GetTableView function) to numeric it works but then it will not display digits in the Excel. Any idea how to solve this?
3 weeks ago
We process the result data table and change the values to invariant culture in a table view. And then return the table view rather than the data table.
' Create the table view object
Dim tv As New TableView()
' Create the header row object
Dim tvhr As New TableViewRow()
tvhr.IsHeader = True
' Create the columns
' dt is the datatable containing the data
For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
'Create the column and set them as headers
Dim tvc = Me.CreateTableViewColumn(si, dc.ColumnName, dc, True, dc.ColumnName)
'Populate the header row
tvhr.items.Add(tvc.Name, tvc)
'Add the header row to the table view
Return tv
And this is the function to create the table view:
' Function to create a new column for table views
Private Function CreateTableViewColumn(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal columnName As String, ByVal dc As DataColumn, ByVal isHeader As Boolean, ByVal value As String) As TableViewColumn
Dim tvc As New TableViewColumn()
tvc.Name = columnName
tvc.IsHeader = isHeader
tvc.Value = value
If dc.DataType = GetType(String)
tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Text
Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Decimal)
If Not isHeader And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString) Then
'Converts decimal numbers back to standard / invariant culture (i.e: using '.')
'so it works regardless Of User Culture
tvc.Value = Decimal.Parse(value).XFToStringForFormula
End If
tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Decimal
Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Integer)
tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Int16
Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Boolean
Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Date) Or dc.DataType = GetType(DateTime)
tvc.DataType = XFDataType.DateTime
End If
Return tvc
End Function
The table view then has properties such as
tv.HeaderFormat and
tv.Columns.Item(2).ColumnFormat.ColumnWidth = 20
3 weeks ago
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for your reply. I am using the same function but still get the issue.