Forum Discussion

NidhiMangtani's avatar
Contributor III
3 years ago

Query on annotation data copy

Hi All,

I am aware of various options available for copying scenario data in OneStream. These options (data management or custom calculate) usually copy only periodic data across scenarios. Any idea how annotation data can be copied from sceanario1 to scenario2 in OneStream?

Any leads would be appreciated.



  • PeterFu's avatar
    3 years ago



    If you create a Finance Business Rule and under CustomCalculate you run this syntax, api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText(). That should copy your annotation, but you challenge will then be to make it more dynamic. Probably use sql to create a data table for data attachments.





  • Here is an example I used to copy VarianceExplantions from one scenario to another.  I am only copying the text values not files.  I also run it from a DM Step using Custom Calculate.

    #Region "Seed Prior Fcst VarianceExplanations to current Fcst"
    Else If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Seed_VarExp_to_Curr_LE") Then
    'Query DataAttachment table for VarianceExplanation values for the sourceScenario
    'Write those values to a datatable (in-memory)
    'Loop through the rows in the datatable and use api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText to assign the values to the WFScenario
    Dim sourceScenario As String = args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs("sourceScenario")
    Dim povEntity As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name
    'AttachmentType = View|200 = Annotation|220 = Assumptions|221 = AuditComment|222 = Footnote|223 = VarianceExplanation
    Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder()
    sql.AppendLine("SELECT *")
    sql.AppendLine("FROM DataAttachment ")
    sql.AppendLine("WITH (NOLOCK) ")
    sql.AppendLine("WHERE Time = '"& povYear & "M12" & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Scenario = '" & sourceScenario & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Cube = 'XXXX' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Entity = '" & povEntity & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Cons = 'USD' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("AttachmentType = '223' ") 'View Dimension
    Using dbConnApp As DBConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
       Using dt As DataTable = BRAPi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, sql.ToString,False)
          If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
            api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText("A#" & dr.Item("Account") & ":V#VarianceExplanation:F#EndBalLoad:O#BeforeAdj:I#None:U1#" & dr.Item("UD1") & ":U2#No_BU:U3#No_Loc:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#Plan:U8#None", dr.Item("Text"), True)
          End If
       End Using
     End Using
    #End Region


  • The Annotations or Commentary is not located in any of the Data Record tables.  The Annotation and Commentary are stored in a table called DataAttachment where each comment is stored with a unique ID.  Since the commentary is not directly stored in the Data Record tables, the Data Management Copy step using V#Annotation will not work through Data Management.  

    Peter is on the right path using the api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText() function to "copy" the data.  You will need a SQL Statement to select the source data from the DataAttachment table to store in a temp table to then "copy" to another scenario using the SetDataAttachmentText() function.  The data will be stored in the same DataAttachment table.  Also, as Peter mentioned, some process like a Custom Calculate will have parameters to pass into the Custom Calc BR to execute in order to define what Scenario to "copy" to.  Example of SQL Statement:

    'Get annotation data table sql statement
    Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder()
    sql.AppendLine("SELECT * ")
    sql.AppendLine("FROM DataAttachment ")
    sql.AppendLine("WITH (NOLOCK) ")
    sql.AppendLine("WHERE Time = '"& povTime & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Scenario = '" & sourceScenario & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Entity = '"& povEntity & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Cons = '"& destinationCurrency & "' ")


    • SirOti's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes, this is definitely the way to go. By the way, have you successfully copied over data attachments that are files rather than texts? If yes, how did you approach it?

      • TonyToniTone's avatar
        Contributor II

        No I have not tried to copy over the data attachment file.  The Data Attachment table has a column called "FileName" and a column called "FileBytes".  Whenever a data attachment is uploaded to a specific data cell or a data unit, each record from within the data attachment file is stored as a unique record and tagged with the File Name.  That File Name will have a corresponding unique File Bytes ID.  This File Bytes ID is shared with each data record from the data attachment file.  There are 2 GetDataAttachments functions - 1 to get Data Attachment List by DataCellPk and 1 to get Data Attachment List by Member Script

        Member Script

        Dim objDataAttachmentList As DataAttachmentList = BRApi.Finance.Data.GetDataAttachments(si, memberScript, includeFileBytes, startRowIndex, pageSize)


        Dim objDataAttachmentList As DataAttachmentList = BRApi.Finance.Data.GetDataAttachments(si, dataCellPk, includeFileBytes, startRowIndex, pageSize)

        These functions should be able to get the Data Attachment files.  However, there is not a SetDataAttachmentsFile function to update the Data Attachment table.  I'm sure there is a more creative way to update the Data Attachment table without having a SetDataAttachmentsFile type function using a combination of SELECT, INSERTS, and UPDATES


  • Mustafa_A's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hey NidhiMangtani 

    Have you tried changing you view to "annotation" and change your source/target scenario as per your requirement.



    • NidhiMangtani's avatar
      Contributor III

      Yes we have tried this but it doesn't copy annotation data.

      • PeterFu's avatar
        Contributor II



        If you create a Finance Business Rule and under CustomCalculate you run this syntax, api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText(). That should copy your annotation, but you challenge will then be to make it more dynamic. Probably use sql to create a data table for data attachments.





  • Here is an example I used to copy VarianceExplantions from one scenario to another.  I am only copying the text values not files.  I also run it from a DM Step using Custom Calculate.

    #Region "Seed Prior Fcst VarianceExplanations to current Fcst"
    Else If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Seed_VarExp_to_Curr_LE") Then
    'Query DataAttachment table for VarianceExplanation values for the sourceScenario
    'Write those values to a datatable (in-memory)
    'Loop through the rows in the datatable and use api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText to assign the values to the WFScenario
    Dim sourceScenario As String = args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs("sourceScenario")
    Dim povEntity As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name
    'AttachmentType = View|200 = Annotation|220 = Assumptions|221 = AuditComment|222 = Footnote|223 = VarianceExplanation
    Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder()
    sql.AppendLine("SELECT *")
    sql.AppendLine("FROM DataAttachment ")
    sql.AppendLine("WITH (NOLOCK) ")
    sql.AppendLine("WHERE Time = '"& povYear & "M12" & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Scenario = '" & sourceScenario & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Cube = 'XXXX' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Entity = '" & povEntity & "' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("Cons = 'USD' ")
    sql.AppendLine("AND ")
    sql.AppendLine("AttachmentType = '223' ") 'View Dimension
    Using dbConnApp As DBConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
       Using dt As DataTable = BRAPi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, sql.ToString,False)
          If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
            api.Data.SetDataAttachmentText("A#" & dr.Item("Account") & ":V#VarianceExplanation:F#EndBalLoad:O#BeforeAdj:I#None:U1#" & dr.Item("UD1") & ":U2#No_BU:U3#No_Loc:U4#None:U5#None:U6#None:U7#Plan:U8#None", dr.Item("Text"), True)
          End If
       End Using
     End Using
    #End Region