Forum Discussion

OS123's avatar
New Contributor
6 months ago

TXM One Side Match Set Rule

We are trying to build a one side match rule for AR TXM. Within our DS1, we have transactions that combine and net to zero. We are finding that the one side rule is matching transactions by the amount instead of first summing the group of transactions to zero, which is resulting in incorrect matches. Is there a way to match negative amounts to positive amounts of the same balance (i.e. absolute value, but then we still need the net to be an accurate zero). Is there a way to leave the "amount" field off of the definition page. Also, whenever we try to enter in a tolerance, we get an error message to select the tolerance type, but there is no option to do so on a one-side rule.


We are having the same issue with the many to many rules where the rule is not summing up the transactions into one before executing match

  • ramittal's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I was able to resolve this by deleting and recreating the rule.