question about this function : QueueDataMgmtSequence

New Contributor II


we're trying to paralellize datamanagement jobs over years with this call QueueDataMgmtSequence

But it seems the task called by this function is not running.

Should we have missed something ?

myTask1 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR1)
myTask2 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR2)
myTask3 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR3)
myTask4 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR4)
myTask5 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR5)
myTask6 = BRApi.Utilities.QueueDataMgmtSequence(si, sSequenceName,VarBR6)


Contributor III

@EricM  I just ran a test using 5 DM sequences and it ran fine -



1. Initially all task are in the assigned state.

2. It goes to Running step one by one.

3. It then goes to completed status.

Can you put a screenshot of the task activity after running the above business rule. Also, What are you passing in the VarBR1 ?


Honored Contributor

As the name says, that call doesn't force any parallelization: it queues jobs, and then the engine executes them as it sees fit - which might well be sequentially, or after something else has finished hogging the system.

This said, the jobs should eventually execute; if they don't, there might something stuck, or the jobs might be misconfigured.

New Contributor II


In fact, it was a silly issue. Those commands are listed in a select case condition. And one of them wasn't properly set. So...sorry but there's not any issue with this function. Thank you guys