DM job to run the one business rule for multiple sets of source and target parameter
We have a DM that receives one set of parameter inputs and runs the business rule for a target entity. We would like to convert this DM to run on multiple sets of inputs for multiple sets of target entities. What is the best setup?
In the example below, users usually select one set of "SourceScenario=|!dl_LAPScenarios!|, SourceEntity=|!dl_LAPEntities!|, SourceUD3=|!dl_SourceLAPParcelForFcstCopy!|, Inflation=|!dl_LAPInflation!|" and select one "E#|!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!|", then launch the job through the dashboard button. We have a situation where they have to run multiple sets like this several times during the month, so we would like to set up an automation so that they can select multiple source to pair with multiple targets, and launch one button to trigger the job for all pairs of source and target.
Thank you,