a month ago
We have a DM that receives one set of parameter inputs and runs the business rule for a target entity. We would like to convert this DM to run on multiple sets of inputs for multiple sets of target entities. What is the best setup?
In the example below, users usually select one set of "SourceScenario=|!dl_LAPScenarios!|, SourceEntity=|!dl_LAPEntities!|, SourceUD3=|!dl_SourceLAPParcelForFcstCopy!|, Inflation=|!dl_LAPInflation!|" and select one "E#|!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!|", then launch the job through the dashboard button. We have a situation where they have to run multiple sets like this several times during the month, so we would like to set up an automation so that they can select multiple source to pair with multiple targets, and launch one button to trigger the job for all pairs of source and target.
Thank you,
a month ago
Does each set of selections (source and targets) have their own parameters and selections? Have you tried multiple DM Steps within one DM Sequence?
4 weeks ago
I have. However, the multiple sets of selections will not be used in all scenarios. If I preset 20 DM steps, and only 10 are being used, the job erred out at step 11, while subsequent steps need to be run after this step as well. Is there a way to bypass blank parameters for DM steps?
4 weeks ago
Yes you can bypass blank parameters. What is the error you are getting? You can use the args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue to return a default value if the parameter is blank.
Dim myParameter As String = args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("MyParameter","Blank")
If myParameter = "Blank"
'Dont do anything
'Do something
End if
4 weeks ago
The error message was "Summary: Error processing Data Management Step 'CopyDataFromLandAcqProforma'. Invalid parameter. Entity Filter, E#|!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!|."
Is your recommendation for namevaluepairs still aplicable for this error message? I don't believe this entity filter is being read as a parameter in the business rule.
4 weeks ago
No I don't think my reply is relevant to that error message. It looks like you haven't defined the |!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!| parameter in the parameters section of your DM step. You need to define it as e.g. EntityFilter = |!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!| and then put E#|!EntityFilter!| in the Entity Filter of the DM step. EntityFilter is just used as an example and can be any name you want.
4 weeks ago
I'm not following entirely. So in this example, it's true that I didn't specify the |!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!|, which is the targetted entity filter. When we run it for multiple sets of source and target, we will also have sets that don't have "|!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!|". In the example earlier where we have preset 20 steps, the first 10 will have input for "|!ml_InactiveNoStatus_WF_Entities!| ", while the 11th will be blank. How can we bypass this error at the 11th set?