9 months agoContributor III
Export data using a Method Query
I have a method query that returns a data table of roughly 300k of records.
Is there anyway to export the result of the method query to a csv file?
I'm not keen on using a spreadsheet business rule or a grid view on a dashboard given the volume of records that is being returned.
Hi MarkBird
You could use the following snippet:
#Region "PrintDataTable" Public Function PrintDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = "|", ByVal Optional limit As Integer = 0, ByVal Optional boolPrintTableName As Boolean = True, ByVal Optional list As List(Of String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional strTextSep As String = Nothing) As String Dim strLog As New text.StringBuilder Dim strBRName As String = System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name Dim listColToSkip As New List(Of String) ({"None"}) If Not IsNothing(list) Then listColToSkip = list End If strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Sep: {1}, Limit: {2}, Print Table Name: {3}, Col(s) To Skip: {4}", strBRName, strSeparator, limit.ToString, boolPrintTableName.ToString, String.Join(", ", listColToSkip))) If strSeparator.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("tab") Then strSeparator = vbTab End If Try Dim result As New Text.StringBuilder If boolPrintTableName Then result.AppendLine("Table name: " & dt.TableName) End If Dim header As String = Nothing For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Col Name: {1}, To Skip: {2}", strBRName, dc.ColumnName, listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName))) If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName) Then header = header & dc.ColumnName & strSeparator End If Next If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(header) Then result.AppendLine(header) End If If limit = 0 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1 If limit > dt.Rows.Count -1 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1 For curRow As Integer = 0 To limit Dim row As String = String.Empty For curCol As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count -1 If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dt.Columns(curCol).ColumnName) Then If strTextSep Is Nothing Then row = row & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strSeparator Else row = row & strTextSep & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strTextSep & strSeparator End If End If Next If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row) Then result.AppendLine(row) End If Next Return result.ToString Catch ex As Exception BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strLog.ToString) Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex)) End Try End Function #End Region #Region "DataTableToFile" Public Function DataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal listColToSkip As List(Of String), ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = ",") As XFFileEx Dim strDt As String = Me.PrintDataTable(si, dt, strSeparator, 0, False, listColToSkip, """") Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strDt) Dim fileinfo As New XFFileInfo(fileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, strFilePath) Dim xfFile As New XFFile(fileinfo, String.Empty, bytes) BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, xffile) Dim xfeFile As New XFFileEx(xffile, DataAccessLevel.AllAccess, False,String.Empty) Return xfeFile End Function #End Region