Forum Discussion

MarkBird's avatar
Contributor III
9 months ago

Export data using a Method Query


I have a method query that returns a data table of roughly 300k of records.

Is there anyway to export the result of the method query to a csv file?

I'm not keen on using a spreadsheet business rule or a grid view on a dashboard given the volume of records that is being returned.



  • Hi MarkBird 

    You could use the following snippet:

    		#Region "PrintDataTable"
    		Public Function PrintDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = "|", ByVal Optional limit As Integer = 0, ByVal Optional boolPrintTableName As Boolean = True, ByVal Optional list As List(Of String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional strTextSep As String = Nothing) As String
    	        Dim strLog As New text.StringBuilder
    			Dim strBRName As String = System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name
    			Dim listColToSkip As New List(Of String) ({"None"})
    		    If Not IsNothing(list) Then
    		        listColToSkip = list
    		    End If
    			strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Sep: {1}, Limit: {2}, Print Table Name: {3}, Col(s) To Skip: {4}", strBRName, strSeparator, limit.ToString, boolPrintTableName.ToString, String.Join(", ", listColToSkip)))
    			If strSeparator.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("tab") Then
    				strSeparator = vbTab
    			End If
    	            Dim result As New Text.StringBuilder
    				If boolPrintTableName Then 
    					result.AppendLine("Table name: " & dt.TableName)
    				End If
    	            Dim header As String = Nothing
    	            For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    					strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Col Name: {1}, To Skip: {2}", strBRName, dc.ColumnName, listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName)))
    					If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName) Then 
    	                	header = header & dc.ColumnName & strSeparator
    					End If
    				If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(header) Then
    				End If
    				If limit = 0 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
    				If limit > dt.Rows.Count -1 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
    	            For curRow As Integer = 0 To limit
    	                Dim row As String = String.Empty
    	                For curCol As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count -1
    						If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dt.Columns(curCol).ColumnName) Then
    	                    	If strTextSep Is Nothing Then 
    	                    		row = row & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strSeparator
    								row = row & strTextSep & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strTextSep & strSeparator
    							End If
    						End If
    					If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row) Then
    					End If
    	            Return result.ToString
    	        Catch ex As Exception
    				BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strLog.ToString)
    	            Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    	        End Try
    	    End Function	
    		#End Region
    		#Region "DataTableToFile"
    		Public Function DataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal listColToSkip As List(Of String), ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = ",") As XFFileEx
    			Dim strDt As String = Me.PrintDataTable(si, dt, strSeparator, 0, False, listColToSkip, """")
    			Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strDt)
    			Dim fileinfo As New XFFileInfo(fileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, strFilePath)
    			Dim xfFile As New XFFile(fileinfo, String.Empty, bytes)
    			BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, xffile)
    			Dim xfeFile As New XFFileEx(xffile, DataAccessLevel.AllAccess, False,String.Empty)
    			Return xfeFile
    		End Function
    		#End Region


  • aformenti's avatar
    Contributor II

    HI MarkBird yes, there is a way to do that. This would do it:

    '1. Declare target dims and DataTable			
    				Dim csvContent As New Text.StringBuilder
    				Dim qualifier As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultQuoteCharacter
    				Dim delimiter As String = StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultDelimiter
    				Dim fileName As String = "Test.csv"				
    				'Create DataTable
    				Dim dt As New DataTable
    				'Define columns
    				dt.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
    				dt.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
    				'Define rows
    				Dim row = dt.NewRow
    				row("ID") = 1
    				row("Name") = "AAA"
    				row = dt.NewRow
    				row("ID") = 2
    				row("Name") = "BBB"
    				row = dt.NewRow
    				row("ID") = 3
    				row("Name") = "CCC"
    				'2. If rows returned, create CSV file content
    				If Not dt Is Nothing Then
    					'Declare string builder to store csv text
    					Dim csv As New Text.StringBuilder
    					'Create column list from dt
    					Dim colList As New List(Of String)
    					For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    					'Write the column Definitions
    					Dim colDescs As New Text.StringBuilder
    					For Each colName As String In colList					
    						Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
    						'Check to see if the column data type requires quotes
    						Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
    						If dc.ColumnName.Contains(delimiter) Then
    							quotesRequired = True
    						End If
    						If colDescs.Length > 0 Then
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    							If quotesRequired Then colDescs.Append(qualifier)
    						End If
    					'Write the Data Rows
    					For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
    						Dim rowVals As New Text.StringBuilder
    						For Each colName As String In colList
    							Dim dc As DataColumn = dt.Columns(colName)
    							Dim rowVal As String = dr(dc.Ordinal).ToString
    							'Check to see if the row data type requires quotes
    							Dim quotesRequired As Boolean = False
    							If rowVal.Contains(delimiter) Then
    								quotesRequired = True
    							End If
    							If rowVals.Length > 0 Then
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    								If quotesRequired Then rowVals.Append(qualifier)
    							End If
    				'3. Write File to User Temp Folder (to open from dashboard button)	
    				' This folder is cleared when user session expires
    				Dim fileBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csvContent.ToString)
    				BRApi.Utilities.SaveFileBytesToUserTempFolder(si, si.UserName, fileName, fileBytes)
    				'Add this text To button that calls Function.  Navigation Action.  Open File
    				'FileSourceType=Application, UrlOrFullFileName=[Internal/Users/|UserName|/Temp/Test.csv], OpenInXFPageIfPossible=False
    				End If	


  • FredLucas's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi MarkBird 

    You could use the following snippet:

    		#Region "PrintDataTable"
    		Public Function PrintDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = "|", ByVal Optional limit As Integer = 0, ByVal Optional boolPrintTableName As Boolean = True, ByVal Optional list As List(Of String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional strTextSep As String = Nothing) As String
    	        Dim strLog As New text.StringBuilder
    			Dim strBRName As String = System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name
    			Dim listColToSkip As New List(Of String) ({"None"})
    		    If Not IsNothing(list) Then
    		        listColToSkip = list
    		    End If
    			strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Sep: {1}, Limit: {2}, Print Table Name: {3}, Col(s) To Skip: {4}", strBRName, strSeparator, limit.ToString, boolPrintTableName.ToString, String.Join(", ", listColToSkip)))
    			If strSeparator.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("tab") Then
    				strSeparator = vbTab
    			End If
    	            Dim result As New Text.StringBuilder
    				If boolPrintTableName Then 
    					result.AppendLine("Table name: " & dt.TableName)
    				End If
    	            Dim header As String = Nothing
    	            For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    					strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Col Name: {1}, To Skip: {2}", strBRName, dc.ColumnName, listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName)))
    					If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName) Then 
    	                	header = header & dc.ColumnName & strSeparator
    					End If
    				If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(header) Then
    				End If
    				If limit = 0 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
    				If limit > dt.Rows.Count -1 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
    	            For curRow As Integer = 0 To limit
    	                Dim row As String = String.Empty
    	                For curCol As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count -1
    						If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dt.Columns(curCol).ColumnName) Then
    	                    	If strTextSep Is Nothing Then 
    	                    		row = row & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strSeparator
    								row = row & strTextSep & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strTextSep & strSeparator
    							End If
    						End If
    					If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row) Then
    					End If
    	            Return result.ToString
    	        Catch ex As Exception
    				BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strLog.ToString)
    	            Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    	        End Try
    	    End Function	
    		#End Region
    		#Region "DataTableToFile"
    		Public Function DataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal listColToSkip As List(Of String), ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = ",") As XFFileEx
    			Dim strDt As String = Me.PrintDataTable(si, dt, strSeparator, 0, False, listColToSkip, """")
    			Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strDt)
    			Dim fileinfo As New XFFileInfo(fileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, strFilePath)
    			Dim xfFile As New XFFile(fileinfo, String.Empty, bytes)
    			BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, xffile)
    			Dim xfeFile As New XFFileEx(xffile, DataAccessLevel.AllAccess, False,String.Empty)
    			Return xfeFile
    		End Function
    		#End Region


  • SteveK's avatar
    New Contributor III
    Not wanting to be left out, here is something that I use. You might want to purge to disk every 50000 rows or so if it's a really big row set. Sorry about formatting - not sure how you make it look fancy here!
    #Region "Write DataTable to File"
    ' Write DataTable to File
    Public Function WriteDataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByRef dtDataTable As DataTable, ByVal strOutputFileNameAndPath As String, Optional ByVal bIncludeHeader As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal strSeparator As String = ",", Optional bAppendToFile as Boolean = False) As Integer
    ' Write out DataTable to supplied fully qualified path, using the supplied separator and optionally including Column names
    ' Note that DataTable is passed by Reference as you don't want to be making-in memory copies of big tables!!
    ' The number of rows written (excluding Header) is returned.
    Dim strOutput As New StringBuilder
    ' Set up output file in OneStream folder for this user
    If Not System.IO.File.Exists(strOutputFileNameAndPath) Then System.IO.File.Create(strOutputFileNameAndPath).Close
    If bIncludeHeader Then
    ' Write out Column Headers if required
    For i = 0 To (dtDataTable.Columns.Count - 1)
    strOutput.Append(dtDataTable.Columns(i).ColumnName & strSeparator)
    strOutput.AppendLine ' Appends CRLF to end of line
    End If
    ' Write out Rows field by field
    For Each rwRow As DataRow In dtDataTable.Rows
    For Each field In rwRow.ItemArray
       strOutput.Append((field.ToString) & strSeparator)
    strOutput.AppendLine ' Appends CRLF to end of line
    If bAppendToFile Then 
    End If
    Return dtDataTable.Rows.Count
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function
    #End Region