Forum Discussion
New Contributor II
Hi Lee
Any ideas on how to get .LockWorkflowUnitDescendants with a non standard channel (i.e. added by the customer)? The logic seems to allow express use of 'NoDataLock', 'AllChannelInput' and 'Standard', but for custom WF Channels, can't seem to identify how to get the UniqueId info.
2 years agoContributor III
AHarding @lee Were you able to complete using non standard channel ? Same challenge here.
Dim wfChannelId As Guid = WorkflowChannel.<Custom channelname>
- AHarding2 years agoNew Contributor II
OS_Pizza I gave up on this in the end, as found a simple, inbuilt, way the WF tool would do what I was after.
I did not realise that you could lock/unlock all WF Steps under some parent with specific WF Channel Key in one go, but it can be done easily (just in case you were unaware as I was, it is per the image below):
Sorry to have no answer for your question!
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