Journal Audit Reporting

New Contributor III

Has anyone had success getting Journal audit data for changes to journals (not templates but journal entries)?  I suspect they can simply be pulled from the AuditJournalHeader and AuditJournalLineItem tables but having issues.  I only get one record in the Header table no matter how often I change a particular journal and nothing populates for the LineItem table.  I feel like they are not completly working correctly or I don't understand fully how and what they are logging.  I have tried to find a report in RPTA or other solution to see if I can figure out how its done but can't find anyting from OneStream for journal changes like there is for metadata changes.  If anyone has tried to tackle this I would appreciate anything you can provide.  Thanks in advance.


Honored Contributor

Audit info for journal data is in the DataEntryAudit* tables.

I believe the ones you mention only cover changes to templates.

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Honored Contributor

Audit info for journal data is in the DataEntryAudit* tables.

I believe the ones you mention only cover changes to templates.