Forum Discussion

dbug's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

REST API Endpoint to extract data from cube view

Is there a way to extract data from a cubeview with the OneStream REST API?  I've tried using the "DataProvider/GetAdoDataSetForCubeViewCommand?api-version=5.2.0" endpoint from the doc via Python...
  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    2 years ago

    Yes. You can use that copy paste in the body of the API call.

        "BaseWebServerUrl": "",
        "ApplicationName": "GolfStream_v37",
        "CubeViewName": "Gross Margin",
        "DataTablePerCubeViewRow": false,
        "ResultDataTableName": "ResultDataTableNames",
        "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": "",
        "CubeViewDataTableOptions": {
    				"IncludeTitle": false,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel1" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel2" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel3" : true,
    				"IncludeHeaderRightLabel4" : true,
    				"IncludePovCube" : true,
    				"IncludePovEntity" : true,
    				"IncludePovParent" : true,
    				"IncludePovCons" : true,
    				"IncludePovScenario" : true,
    				"IncludePovTime" : true,
    				"IncludePovView" : true,
    				"IncludePovAccount" : true,
    				"IncludePovFlow" : true,
    				"IncludePovOrigin" : true,
    				"IncludePovIC" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD1" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD2" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD3" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD4" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD5" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD6" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD7" : true,
    				"IncludePovUD8" : true,
    				"IncludeMemberDetails": true,
    				"IncludeRowNavigationLink" : true,
    				"IncludeHasDataStatus" : true,
    				"IncludeAnnotation" : true,
    				"IncludeAssumptions" : true,
    				"IncludeAuditComment" : true,
    				"IncludeFootnote" : true,
    				"IncludeVarianceExplanation" : true
  • JackLacava's avatar
    2 years ago

    What I meant is: check the definition of your cubeview for things like the following:

    That |WFYear| variable cannot be resolved automatically when executing the view from REST. So you have to pass the required value with the property "CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": [comma separated list of key value pairs as substitution variables with the following format: "VariableName1=[VariableValue1],VariableName2= [VariableValue2],..."]

    In addition, make sure that all dimensions have a member specified either in the main POV or in row/columns, because via REST there won't be a UserPOV to fallback on.