Forum Discussion

DC's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

Scenario Setting - Retain Next Period Data Using Default View - Next Period Reversing

We have data imported periodically to a Scenario with the following setup - Retain next to True and everything set to Periodic inclusive of the data source and TR as shown below.  The account is an Expense type.  In the example - M4 is the only period with a value for this specific intersection, which we see in the Import data screenshot. The Cube View screenshot shows the periodic and YTD views wherein it appears that the periodic M5 value is reversed even though is no data loaded for that period.  Based upon my settings and the data presented here I did not expect to see the M5 reversal amount.  Does anyone have a suggestion as to why the value is reversing in the next period and how to resolve this so that this doesn't happen?





  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi DCruz: ooo, this sounds familiar.  We have a few scenarios that run Periodic input (with exactly the same settings as your 1st screenshot) and we had some problems as well.  From memory, a few things to check:

    • Is the scenario fully consolidated?  Try a force consolidate on M12
    • Have you changed any of the scenario settings after you did the load?  I believe this caused us some issues like you are experiencing.  If so, fully clear the data unit, reload, and reconsolidate
    • Have you changed the account type after you did the load?  As above, we've run into weird edge cases where this doesn't consolidate properly the next time depending on what account types you are switching between.  If so, clear the data unit, reload, and reconsolidate.
    • Are you doing any parallel loads that might result in the same data intersections being hit?  We believe, but have been unable to consistently replicate, a bug with parallel loads.  Switching back to sequential has resolved the issue, albeit with slower load times.

    We had best results when fully clearing dataunits from Data Mgmt jobs.  If you cannot do a full clear you can try a targetted BR clear via CustomCalculate and see if that does the trick as well.

    Hope this helps.



  • I saw it more than once, OS behaves oddly with certain combination of view settings (between datasource, scenario etc) and pushes "ghost" YTD offset from current period to next,  treating it as if zero periodic value was loaded into the next period

    I'd like to piggyback on full clear idea. That's a good start. Then load M4 and see if YTD value offsets in M5. Then start playing with views and maybe turn off the next period retention to see if that affects it. And if yes, then you will know the cause and will be able to start addressing that particular issue.

  • DC's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thank you for the suggestions.  I did a clear data, refresh app and re-imported the data and this did the trick.

  • JamesKirkby's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Just wanted to say thanks for this thread! A reset scenario and a reload after doublechecking my settings against the above also fixed the same issue for me 😊