Workflow and Data Integration
Discuss data loading and processing into the application

Forum Posts

Resolved! Matrix Data Load Basics

I have a matrix data load question. I get the concept of how the matrix data load works. I haven't done too many of them, so I want to make sure I'm not missing the basics. The file I have has the year on one of the first lines in column 9. The next ...


Data cells are read only

Hi all, Noticed the data cells in my input forms are turned read only and cell status also shows the same. Please suggest on how to make it enabled for input. Thanks

Rev by New Contributor
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Journal Threshold for Approval

Hello, Is there a way to allow a group of users to quick post journals under a certain threshold amount, but if higher than the threshold the journal needs approval? I used a rule previously that will reject the journal if the user attempts to quick ...

psc by New Contributor II
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