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No valid DataKeys Error
Hello, Has anyone had this error message "No valid DataKeys (Scenario/Time) found in data source". I received this message when importing a "text" file through the workflow. Once import is selected and is at 94% complete prior to validation. I have checked on Scenario & Time to make sure it is proper. I need help on how to fix this.susanprescott0720 hours agoNew Contributor20Views0likes2CommentsCannot access the file because it is being used by another process
I'm trying to export data via a Data Management step. I am running into frequent errors stating: Error processing Data Management Step '[DM STEP NAME]'. Unable to create or open file '[FILE PATH]'. The process cannot access the file '[FILE PATH]' because it is being used by another process. My servers were unoccupied as no tasks were running in the background in the task activity log. I've also tried via DM sequence and selecting my own server which did not help.bjornliow2 days agoNew Contributor III14Views0likes4CommentsRESTAPI - Only Supports Default Workspace Currently?
Just a heads-up for anyone using the REST API - this may save you some head-scratching! GetAdoDataSetForAdapter (5.2.0/Synchronous) and non-Default Workspaces There appears to be a problem with running GetAdoDataSetForAdapter if your DataAdapter is not in the Default Workspace. The Data Adapter returns an HTTP/200 in PostMan BUT the Response Body is null. It appears that the WorkspaceName parameter in the RequestBody has not yet been implemented in the RESTAPI. The RESTAPI documentation still referes to this parameter as being "reserved for future use" (but I assumed that this was a documetation bug as non-Default Workspaces have been out for a while in 7.4/8) API Version 7.2.0 and Workspaces In the Asynchronous APIs (7.2.0), there seems to be no way to specify the Workspace when you are generating the Application Session Token (SI), so you get the same problem with Data Adapters not in the Default Workspace. I proved this by moving my Data Adapters to the Default Workspace at which point they worked perfectly via the REST API whether via API-Version 5.2.0 or 7.2.0) UPDATE: Workspace has to be set to Shareable for this to work - all Ok now! (Wasn't in the REST API Guide) SteveSteveK2 days agoNew Contributor III17Views1like0CommentsAutomating Email Notifications for Journal Submissions
Our team submits topside entries in OneStream using the Adj channel. Upon a journal reaching "Submitted" status, I want our application to send an email notification to the approver that the journal is ready for review. We already have email notifications up and running for our application. I would like to have the email distributed based on a security group we have, CorpAdjApprover. Any ideas on how I can set this up? Would it go through an Event Handler business rule? Thanks in advance.mrodewald3 days agoNew Contributor II7Views0likes0CommentsStage data
Hi all, We have Excel file that we upload into Cube (some tabs from this Excel file). This file also contains additional tabs that we want to upload into stage only and create cube views based on numbers on these additional tabs. Could you please advise where I can find instructions how to create, upload, perform mappings (if necessary), aggregate stage data and create cube views based on stage data.Irina3 days agoNew Contributor III10Views0likes1Comment8.5 Excel Add-In Forms and Parameters
Hello Everyone, I was wondering if anyone has experienced and resolved the issue I am finding. I am working on an excel workbook that has tabs corresponding to each workflow step consisting of various forms. These forms have parameter requirements. The request is to have the parameter dropdowns on each excel tab. The issue I am having is some of these form tabs have the same parameters. I am met with the popup, this parameter already exists when trying to introduce it a second time on a different tab. I know you can set one parameter to work across the entire workbook however that is not what my client wants. The only way around this that I have found so far is to make multiple copies of parameters within the Application however I would rather not have multiple parameters that are the exact same. The other option is to have a separate excel workbook for each Workflow task. I find even setting the parameter to be used across the entire workbook to be a bit clunky. Thanks in advance for the input! Regards, Anthonyamartin5754 days agoNew Contributor II22Views1like0CommentsAutomation of exchange rates calculations
Dear colleagues, Please advise do you have experience with automation of exchange rates calculation. We need to pick up daily rates for different currencies from different source websites, calculate monthly average rates and end of reporting period rates and upload them to the correct time period in OneStream. Where can I find guidance to solve this task?Irina4 days agoNew Contributor III3Views0likes0Commentsin which Application Database table User Certified details are available?
Hi Team, I just want to create a report, in that report user can review like (which user has certified the respective entity in the workflow with date and time). i could not able to find in which application database table certification status details will store. can you please help us with the table name. so that we can write method query to fetch the data.ShivaPrasad4 days agoNew Contributor II8Views0likes0Comments