Hello OneStream CommunityDoes anyone know how to get the data source
time to use the WF time instead of the start Time range scenario . The
import data source is using the start time instead of the WF , POV time.
Thank you
Hi OneStream Community, Does anyone know why an import would add two
rows in the load step with an excel import? In the import processing log
shows only 1 line read but it adds 2 rows. (edited) Thank you,Sharon
Hello, Is there a way to set the default value for the member list . I
created a parameter and wrote a XFBR string set this parameter as the
default to the other parameter that is the bound value on the cbx and it
did not work. Any suggestions?
Hi, I need to make sure the first tab updates when the data changes on
another tab after saving. I tried to add the refresh on that save button
and redraw that component from the first tab . Is there a way to make
this happen with the tabs. I have to...
Hello, I am trying to add scroll bars to a dialog box that has 6
components. Tried changing the layout to Horizonal and vertical stack
with other settings. This did not work and also asked the one stream
experts . my team and appears there is no sure...
The double line is not an issue anymore remove the [Annotations} from
TV#. The import is still not correct , not loading the the three A#
values to the accounts. Did I mention this is range excel source 3 of
them so each range contains the TV# that c...
Yes I know , I am asking when the scenario is a range say 2024-2027 the
datasource is using the 2024 for the import and not the WF pov time. Is
there a setting to not use the start time but use the scenario in the