ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsDisplay Report Header in Excel Add-in Is there a way to display the report header for a cube view in the Excel Add-in? I have the Report Header section of the cube view designer filled out in the application, but when adding a cube view ...Populate Description of Prompted Member Instead of Name I am creating a dashboard that compares two different scenarios (one of which is the prompted scenario). I want the header of the chart to display the description of the member instead of the name (i...SolvedSuppress NoData Tabs in Book Using Loop Is there a way to exclude a tab in a book if that tab has no data? I have a cost center loop added to a book. The loop includes all cost centers, although I know some cost centers have no data. I w...Re: Populate Description of Prompted Member Instead of Name That worked! Thanks so much for your help! Re: Copy data from another cube (with different dimensionality) Hi Christian, I am trying to run the ConvertDataBuffer but receive an error when executing the Data Management job. The error says "Error processing script 'C#USD'." I have tried updating $"C#{api.P...