ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsLevel 2 Data Unit Overlap Help - Data Loss Hello Fellow OneStreamers, Please bear with the long post. I have the following workflow profile structure that contains Level 2 data unit overlap I am trying to change based on a financial plann...SolvedRe: How do I show parameter options in a cubeview display ( see example screenshot ) Hello Mark, I believe the "docking" functionality you are looking for is a consequence of attaching a cube view that has parameters within it to a form template. For your case this would mean attac...Re: Cube View splitting quarters in columns Since it seems you are using the WFYear, I would suggest using the substitution variable for that instead. The column definition would be the following to move H1 between Q2 and Q3: T#|WFYear|H...Re: Cube View Parametric driven column I agree with aricgresko on perhaps using an XFBR business rule. The below code could be optimized in many ways, but should work for what you need. This way you do not need to use/manage any text valu...Re: Fact or Fiction? Cube views are the main building block for reporting Fact. Cube views are the basis of OneStream's Presentation Engine. The Presentation Engine can display data calculated from OneStream's Finance Engine. Cube views have many visualization uses throu...Re: Data Adapters and FDX If you have the "OneStream Planning: The Why, How, and When" book from Cameron Lackpour (clackpour) and Celvin Kattookaran (ckattookaran), there is a section called "Performing Faster Data Exports fr...Re: Fact or Fiction? I can use global variables Fact. Can be done in the following way: Dim MyVariable As Integer = 5 (Can be done with other datatypes such as "String") Globals.SetObject("DesiredGlobalVariableNameHere", MyVariable) Globals.Get...