ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: SIC Password and API keys are stored in a plain text file Hey mithun_laha, Did u set up WinSCP to connect to the SFTP server on the client environment where the SFTP server can be accessed remotely on the OS Cloud App? you might have created a Direct...Re: Copy OnwerPost Adj Data The property was set to False ( Calculate OwnerPostAdj if No Data), Worked when it was set to true Re: Copy OnwerPost Adj Data Yes I tried but the code does not copy data at OwnerPostAdj here. api.Data.Calculate("F#EndBalJE:O#AdjInput = RemoveZeros(F#EndBal:O#AdjInput:T#PovPrior1)","A#BS.Base") Copy OnwerPost Adj Data I am trying to copy the data from the Adjustment data. api.Data.Calculate("F#EndBalJE:O#AdjInput = RemoveZeros(F#EndBal:O#AdjInput:T#PovPrior1)","A#BS.Base") As per My rule the data will be copied...SolvedRe: Custom FX Translation Not working for Rate type Periodic For the cube I have used Closing rate at Direct rule type. Scenario follows the cube Fx setting. And I am using standard using Business Rules in the cube translation algorithm setting. Re: Custom FX Translation Not working for Rate type Periodic I expect at Rule type Periodic, the translated value = Prior period Translated value + YTD change from period period * Translation Rate. which does not seem to be working. however the for the Dire...Custom FX Translation Not working for Rate type Periodic I am trying to run a Custom FX translation rule on run a set of Account@HistoricalRate with Periodic Rule type. The function seems to be working fine for the direct Rule type but does not seems to ...Re: Move member from One Parent to other parent member I think you can use these functions and give it a try in Extender BR Brapi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "DimName") 'dimPk Dim relPk As New RelationshipPk(dimTypeId.<Dimtype>, parentMember.Member.Memb...Deleted post Post deleted by the user Re: Metadata migration between environments / applications using python < Invalid >