New Contributor III
since ‎05-05-2022
2 weeks ago

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  • 27 Posts
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Hi all, We have a requirement, where in a datasource, we load revenue for the year. This is for the budget, and the workflow is a yearly workflow. The file is on the customer/contract level and include the payment terms, which is the term in which th...
Hi community, With a button in a dashboard, I want to open an Excel file: FileSourceType=Dashboard, UrlOrFullFileName=[Input_Sales.xlsx], OpenInXFPageIfPossible=False, PinNavPane=False, PinPOVPane=False If Input_Sales.xlsx is in the default workspace...
Hi all,We are successfully uploading budget information in an excel template. This is a matrix load containing 12 periods of data. For each line the user can upload a textvalue. This is also working. However, the comment is uploaded to each month. Ho...
Hi all,Is it somehow possible to customize the answers to the certification questions? We would generally only want yes/no, but by default there is now a whole list of possible answers. We are looking for a way to limit this list.With kind regards,Ti...
Hi all,In our use case, users are uploading data through files into OneStream. Is there a possibility to check if the file have 1000-seperators in the file and block the upload if this is the case? Reason is that within one workflow the 1000 seperato...