ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsPDF file "damaged" on Extract Hello, I have created an extensibility rule to extract values from the FileBytes column in the XFW_UTM_SupportDoc table, then convert the FileBytes to a file and save in the file share. See below f...Re: Reference a parameter in a different workspace than default Hey Robb, I am on version 8.1 Agree that XFBR will get the job done, but is there any method currently to differentiate which workspace is used when calling a parameter. Reference a parameter in a different workspace than default I am executing a Copy Data Management step which references a literal parameter (NOTin Default workspace) to get the scenario value. However, I am receiving an "Invalid Parameter" error when trying ...SolvedRe: Hardcode value in column when loading CSV Hey db_pdx, Your response was helpful! I had to change the format to get the default value to load correctly. I was able to get it to work by using 1 semi-colon, and by removing the square brackets ...Hardcode value in column when loading CSV Hello, Im wondering if there is a way to hardcode a fieldtoken value when loading data from a csv. For example, I am using the below code: Dim fieldTokens As New List(Of String) fieldTokens.Add("x...Solved