ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Refreshing Dashboard and Parameters after a DM Job And is there a way how to refresh the whole Application? Like using this button? Re: change Workflow Status from data management I think I found the solution, the dashboard needs to be refreshed at the end. Then I create the data management process it runs in backround and does not refresh the dashboard! This is the problem ...Re: change Workflow Status from data management HiAymar, here is the code I use: Public Function CompleteWorkflow(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk) As XFSelectionChangedTaskResult Try Dim select...change Workflow Status from data management Hi all, I use the dashboard to trigger data import from external database. After successfull import I want to make the workflow step (type Workspace) complete by callingSetWorkflowStatus. Stran...SQL Table Editor - copy paste Hi all, I try to paste new records toSQL Table Editor from Excel spreadsheet. It allows me to paste the data, it seems right, but it does not allow me to save it. It behaves like there is no data...Re: culture settings in text to decimal casting Hi Jack, do you have any news to my problem? Thanks, Pavel Re: culture settings in text to decimal casting Hi Jack, Current connection string Data;Initial Catalog=censored;User ID=censored;Password=censored;Max Pool Size=3000;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=True;TrustSer...Re: culture settings in text to decimal casting Thank you for censoring it Jack, it was a copy-paste from support ticket, I forgot to delete that. I was searching how to change the connection string to add there a localization but was not success...culture settings in text to decimal casting I would like ask about culture settings and how it influence casting from text value to decimal number. We have an automated import from external system using delimited files and pre-stage table in...