ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Data source Connector - Nested Drill back Here's what we did for a multi hop drill back that has two hops: 1st drill back is from MgtRpt cube back to FinRpt cube 2nd drill back is from FinRpt cube to Stage Private Function GetDrillB...Re: Filter Expression in DataUnit ExecuteMethodCommand Got it: {Flow='EndBal'} Filter Expression in DataUnit ExecuteMethodCommand What is the correct syntax for the filter expression in the DataUnit method command used in BRAPi.Database.ExecuteMethodCommand()? We are trying to filter on Flow member EndBal. The following synta...Re: Can you give an example of the best way to sum a row from a cube view? For example, if I add two Is this functionality still going to be implemented? I Re: Data Sources Reading Rows with No Amounts Right... This works with all source dimensions except for the Amount source dimension. The Amount source dimension determins whch rows a processed by the data source. Using complex expressions on oth...Data Sources Reading Rows with No Amounts Is there a way to make a data source process rows that do not have a value in the Amount column? For example, an import file has 4 rows: Account Name Cost Center Name Amount Cash...Re: DataTable vs. xfDataTable Thanks FredLucas . Yes. Same error DataTable vs. xfDataTable In a data connector rule, we need to run the api.Parser.ProcessDataTable funciton that can process a DataTable. However, using SIC funciton, we have to get data from the source into a XFDataTable: ...Re: Power BI Will the Power BI connector be available for On-Prem implementations on the V8.2? Re: Unselect/Uncheck combo box selections So if I understnad this right, in : taskResult.ModifiedCustomSubstVars.Add("DashboardToHide_RPTA", "9_NoFilterSelected_RPTAV") => DashboardToHide_RPTA is the paramter => "9_NoFilterS...