ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Application Database Folder and System Database Folder Hi Kai, See Print screen below. This is from my local laptop (that is why is showing C:), but this field should give you what you are looking for. Re: Extract Dimension Hierarchy Metadata XML Through DM and Extender BR Hi Adam, Take a look at the BR below. Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.Common Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Globalization I...Re: Extract Dimension Hierarchy Metadata XML Through DM and Extender BR Hi Abrandm, Take a look at the BR below for extract of an Entity dimension. Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.Common Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generi...Re: Introduce a Blank row in-between members in Tree Expansion Hi Sabaritha, You can try E#None:Name(" ") in the row you want to show blank (:Name(" ") will make sure no text is shown). Then you can format that row a bit different if you want to show the blank ...Re: Consolidation slow when after copying from scenario to another Hi Tim, If I understand you correctly, you are doing Force Consolidate on the source scenario, but you do a normal Consolidate the first time on the destionation scenario. If that is the case, th...E-mail notification for "Set IC Transaction Status" Hi, I am looking for a Business Rule (DataQualityEventhandler) to send e-mail notifications when "Set IC Transaction Status" is used. I know how to send e-mail when the "Set IC Transaction Stat...Re: Percentage sign % with parenthesis () is displaying in the data explorer but not in the report. Hi, Go to the Cell format for the column you want to have percent sign. Then scroll down to the formatting for the Report, change ReportUseNumericBinding to True and set ReportNumbericBindingFormat ...Re: Is there anyway to download TB/Reclass files automatically using Business Rules? Hi Yashwant, Here you have the code, I have copied in both XFR_ExportStageDat and XFR_ExportStageArchives XFR_ExportStageData: Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.Common Imp...Re: Is it possible to load data via excel with an XF formula? Hi Carmen, Sorry, I read too quick, I gave you a solution inside of Onestream. However, you will find list of the different Onestream functions in Excel. You get the window with all the fields th...Re: Is it possible to load data via excel with an XF formula? Hi Carmen, OneStream has a MarketPlace Solution called, Admin Solution Tools. That one contains a Member Formula Builder. See print screen below. Peter